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5 Ways Iodine Will Improve Your Health


Iodine is essential to the human body, though we don’t produce it ourselves. Without sufficient iodine the thyroid can’t properly function and this can lead to a whole host of problems. It’s thought that up to 40% of the world is lacking enough iodine. Iodine deficiency is the leading cause of brain damage, yet it’s completely preventable. Worldwide, iodine deficiency is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, which is when the thyroid produces too many hormones and releases them into the body. Thyroid problems can lead to problems such as rapid heart rate, menstrual cycle changes, arrhythmia, muscle weakness, double vision, and other issues. It’s crucial to get enough iodine in your diet or with supplementation to avoid these dangers of iodine deficiency:

Dangers of Iodine Deficiency

  • Goiters
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Brain Damage and Mental Retardation in Children
  • Reduced Mental Capacity
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Increased Risk of Thyroid Cancer
  • Infertility

5 Ways Iodine Will Improve Your Health

1. Improve Cognition

Insufficient iodine during pregnancy and early childhood can lead to brain damage and mental retardation. Conversely, adequate levels can not only precent those serious health issue, but research has shown actual improvement in children. The study showed an improvements with information processing, fine motor skills, and visual problem solving.

2. Protect from Radiation

When the thyroid has enough non-radioactive iodine present it can’t absorb radioactive iodine an it is flushed out of the system. It’s recommended during times of increased radiation exposure or nuclear fallout to increase iodine consumption.

3. Aid in Cancer Prevention

The risk of developing thyroid cancer can be reduced with sufficient iodine in cases of radioactive iodine exposure. Iodine aids in apoptosis, which is the programmed death of cells, such as cancer cells. Studies found this to be true with human breast cancer cells.

3. Flush out Toxic Chemicals

As mentioned above, enough iodine can flush out radioactive iodine. It also can aid in flushing out fluoride, mercury, lead, and other toxins.

4. Improve Metabolism

An under active thyroid can lead to a slow metabolism, whereas a healthy thyroid is essential to a well functioning metabolism. Getting enough iodine helps to keep the thyroid in check. A faster metabolism can help with weight loss.

5. Increase Energy

Like with other mineral deficiencies, your energy levels can be greatly impacted when you aren’t getting enough iodine in your diet. Consuming the recommended daily amount can help you to feel less sluggish and more alert.

Where to Get Iodine

The most prevalent way people get iodine is through iodized salt, but that may not be the answer. The iodine added into salts is synthetic and not easily absorbed by the body, not to mention conventional salt is dangerous. Pure salts, such as Himalayan crystal salt, contain iodine naturally.

But salt isn’t the only consumable source of iodine. Seaweed is full of iodine from seawater and can be an excellent source of the micronutrient, as well as other seafood. You can also find iodine in cranberries, strawberries, navy beans, potatoes, dairy, eggs, and turkey. Organic options of these foods are important to reduce your exposure to pesticides. The recommended daily amount of iodine is 150 mcg per day. If you’re falling short of this amount, consider an natural iodine supplement, but don’t overdo it. Too much iodine can have adverse effects on the thyroid, though research has determined the benefits of iodine supplementation far outweigh the risks.

Below are some products that can help you reach a the recommended amount of iodine. This is in no way a substitution for medical advice. Please discuss the addition of any vitamins and supplements, or changes in your diet, with your doctor

Disclosure: Bookieboo LLC has an affiliate relationship with Amazon and Thrive Market, a member based online shopping club that can save you 25%-50% off of retail on natural and organic products.




















Additional sources:



10 Ways Yoga Keeps You From Killing People


Yoga is often praised for the physical benefits it provides. It can strengthen your body, improve flexibility, aid in weight loss and generally make you feel good. But just how good can it make you feel? Yoga can go beyond physical health and impact emotional health as well; maybe enough to keep your sanity intact.

Here are 10 ways that yoga keeps you from losing your cool and flipping out:

1. Reduces Stress

Yoga helps increase focus and concentration. This can be beneficial in reducing stress by drawing the focus to something else. Research showed that pregnant women practicing yoga had lower stress levels, which is beneficial to both mom and baby. Less stress means a happier you.

2. Teaches Self Control

You need a lot of self control to practice yoga. It takes concentration to hold a contorted position and tune out the distractions around you. Regular yoga will help that self control spread into other areas of life.

3. Brings Calmness

If you’ve ever done yoga, then you know it has a calming effect. The breathing and meditation are conducive to a calm mind. People who meditate literally have different brains than those who don’t meditate. The hippocampus and posterior cingulate cortex differed, which is tied to memory and mind-wandering. Meditators had a smaller medulla, whig is associated with the “fight or flight” response and a stress levels.

4. Curbs Hostility

It’s difficult to be hostile when you’re in child’s pose or any other yoga position really. Yoga helps to center and calm you, which is a great tool to limit and curb hostility flare ups. Psychiatric patients who practiced yoga had significant improvement in their anger and hostility. In turn, a happier you can lead to lower blood pressure and a healthier you.

5. Reduces Depression

There are a few theories as to why yoga can help with depression. Exercise is shown to actually make people happier by releasing endorphins and essentially making the brain and the body feel good. Yoga specifically improved depression by 50% in one study, and overall mood by 65%, that’s pretty significant.

6. Positive Outlook

A pessimistic attitude is tied to fear and stress, some things that yoga can help you deal with. Yoga helps you learn how to cope with stress and hone in on staying calm. These are coping strategies that are present in the optimist’s brain.

7. Improves Mood

Total well-being is improved with yoga, which in turn boosts your mood. Less stress, endorphins from exercise, and the clear mind of meditation can all contribute to a feel-good mood.

8. Reduces Anxiety

A build of up stress can lead to anxiety. Regular yoga can reduce that anxiety, and that same study on psychiatric patients showed a great improvement in both the tension and anxiety they were feeling.

9. Connects Body and Mind

Yoga is one of the few exercises that truly works the mind and body. It takes concentration and focus of the mind as well as the cooperation of your body. The marriage between these two can leave you feeling centered and grounded.

10. Improves Confusion

Yoga has the ability to clear the mind and has even been shown to improve concentration in as short as eight weeks time. It’s also reduced feelings of confusion and bewilderment. You can make more sound decisions with a clear head.

Curious About Learning More?

Whether you’re a newbie to yoga or an old pro, you’ll find great resources, classes, and more at The Yoga Expo. It’s the largest festival of it’s kind with unlimited classes, live music, local and sustainable foods, and great products.

It’s being held in three locations:

Los Angeles- Sunday January 3rd, 2016

Los Angeles Convention Center

Buy Tickets

Fort Lauderdale- April 16th, 2016

Fort Lauderdale Convention Center

Buy Tickets

Santa Clara- July 23rd, 2016

Santa Clara Convention Center

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Have you tried yoga? How did it impact your mood?


Why You Need More Vitamin D Now!


Are you getting enough vitamin D? Even if you spend time outdoors, it may not be a sufficient amount for optimal health. Not only is vitamin D essential for the absorption of calcium and bone health, a deficiency in vitamin D can be doing you more harm than you may know. Up to 50% of the world’s population are deficient in vitamin D.  However, that number may actually be even greater. Recent evidence suggests the current recommendation of vitamin D intake is far too low. 

The recommended daily amount (RDA) of 20 nanograms per milliliter only helps to prevent such diseases as rickets, but a higher dose of D can help to reduce the risk for many more diseases and even prevent certain cancers. How much? That number looks more like two to three times more than that. When you up your intake of vitamin D, your health can drastically improve.

What Can More Vitamin D Do for You?

Evidence shows that a vitamin D level in the 40-60 ng/ml range is much more beneficial than the proposed RDA of 20 ng/ml. In the image below you can see that with a serum level in this optimal range up to 77% of all cancers can be prevented when calcium is taken with vitamin D. Incidences of breast cancer were reduced by 83% with a serum level of 50ng/ml. Type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and bone fractures are all positively impacted with enough vitamin D.

Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, that may be an indicator that you’re deficient in vitamin D:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Muscle Pain
  • Bone and Joint Pain

The only way to know your vitamin D levels is with a blood test you can get from your doctor or ordering a test kit which will also help to further studies on vitamin D. A vitamin D deficiency can cause the ailments above, but it can also greatly affect your health. You are much more at risk for the following diseases if you are lacking this important vitamin.

How Can You Get Enough Vitamin D?

We get vitamin D from the sun, a minimal amount from food, and also from supplementation. Sun exposure may not be enough to trigger your body to produce the optimal level of vitamin D. Age, geographic location, skin color, and the use of sunscreen can all impact the amount of vitamin D your body absorbs. Eggs, fatty fish, and fortified milk will provide a marginal amount of this key vitamin. Supplementation is the only other way to increase your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D3 is what you should be looking for when shopping for a supplement. It’s available in liquid drops, pills, and even gummies. The supplements below are easily available from Thrive Market and Amazon. Be sure to discuss any supplementation with your doctors.

Disclosure: Bookieboo LLC has an affiliate relationship with Amazon as well as Thrive Market, a member based online shopping club that can save you 25%-50% off of retail on natural and organic products.





















How do you get your dose of vitamin D? 


How to Improve the Health of Your Children in 10 Days


Sometimes we think it’s too late to change, or that we need a big dramatic do-over to see a real impact. Well new research has found that all you, or your children, may need is 10 days.

A recent study sought out to see the effects of lowering the sugar intake of children. The group of 43 children went from 25% dietary sugar to 10% over a 10 day period. The calorie intake was kept the same, sugar was just swapped out for carbs. The results were impressive with a 5 point reduction in bad cholesterol, a 33 point reduction in triglycerides, normalized insulin and blood sugar, and a reduced risk of diabetes.

With results like that it’s reassuring to know such a significant change can occur in just 10 days. So how can you implement changes in your own home to get results similar to these? Below are 6 ways to improve the health of your children (and maybe yourself) in just 10 days.

Cut Sugar to 10% of Your Calories

This is without a doubt the most important step. The average American consumes more than the recommended daily amount (RDA) of sugar. The World Health Organization caps out their sugar high at 10%, but says lower is better. The FDA recently lowered its recommendation for children to 25 grams of sugar a day. Lowering the amount sugar your children consume sets them up for better health overall. Sugar ages us faster, shortens our lifespans, promotes cancer, damages the liver and decreases cognitive health. It’s not something we want our kids consuming without limits.

Swap Fructose for Fruit

Yes, fruit has fructose, but that’s far different from the fructose that’s in sugary drinks and sweets. In America, the majority of fructose comes from high fructose corn syrup. By giving your child fresh fruit as an alternative you’re helping to lower their added sugar intake as well as eliminating harmful fructose. Why is this fructose bad? The body can’t metabolize it the same way it does glucose. The message to the body is different too. Fructose has been shown to not suppress ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. This leads to a continued feeling of hunger, and sometimes another sweet craving. It’s a proven cycle for obesity.

Avoid Foods that Have Commercials

If a food has a commercial, generally it’s made to make money, not to make you healthy. Junk food marketing to kids is a huge industry and it undermines parents who are trying to make the right decisions for their family. Billions of dollars are spent marketing food to children each year, but if you avoid the hype and opt for whole foods and foods without all the added sugar, you’ll be better off.

No Soda of Sugary Drinks

You’d think this one would go without saying considering one soda contains the daily recommended amount of sugar. But sugar is only one of the reasons to never let your kids drink soda, bad behavior, weak bones, disease are some of the others. These sugary drinks are the definition of empty calories, leaving you unsatisfied and craving more. Don’t think opting for a calorie-free option is any better. Diet soda is just as toxic, if not more so. It makes you fatter, it makes real sugar less satisfying, and it’s essentially killing you.

Avoid Juice

Sure, juice is better than soda but it’s still loaded with sugar. Fresh fruit is a much better choice. The fiber from a piece of fruit helps slows the absorption of sugar, which in turn reduces the blood sugar spike that can come from drinking juice. Not to mention a glass of orange juice is equivalent to two oranges when it come to calories, yet leaves you feeling less full than if you are an orange.

Skip the Cereal

It’s best to leave the juice off the breakfast table, and maybe the same goes for cereal. Kid’s cereals are essentially vitamin fortified sugar, containing an average of 40% more sugar than adult cereals. If you start the day off nearly at the RDA of sugar it’s harder to stay within a healthy range the rest of the day.

If you make these changes and monitor the amount of sugar in your family’s diet, you can experience a dramatic change in their overall health in a short period of time, just as the children in the study. There is no reason to believe these results are specific just to children, so reduce you sugar and improve your own health too.

Zofran: Dangers Women Should Be Aware Of


Zofran, a popular anti-nausea medication that’s only approved for use by cancer patients and those undergoing surgery, is being prescribed to pregnant women as an “off-label” use for morning sickness. Although the medication may help control nausea and vomiting, it comes with a harsh price: babies are being born with birth defects.

Studies on Zofran and Birth Defects

Numerous of studies on Zofran and its effects on infants have been performed over the past decade. Even though some of the results are conflicting, the majority of studies show there is a heightened risk of babies developing birth defects if their mothers took the medication while pregnant.

For instance, in August 2013, a group of Danish scientists and researchers published the results of their study in which they recorded live births from 1997 to 2011, Entitled Ondansetron Use In Early Pregnancy And The Risk Of Congenital Malformations, more than half of the women included in the research took Zofran during pregnancy.

The results of the study show that there is a 20% increase in infants developing major congenital abnormalities. The risk of developing congenital heart defects in particular significantly higher, including:

  • 8 times higher risk of developing atrioventricular septal defects
  • 3 times higher risk of developing ventricular septal defects
  • 1 times higher risk of developing atrial septal defects

In November 2013, BioMed Research International, an open-access medical journal, published the results of a Zofran study carried out by numerous Australian physicians and scientists who aimed to determine the risks that babies face when their mothers take the medication during pregnancy.

According to the results, which studied every birth in Western Australia from 2002 to 2005, there is a “20% increased risk of a major birth defect amongst children exposed to ondansetron in the first trimester,” and an increase of kidney defects risks by 7-fold.

Perhaps one of the most popular studies on Zofran and pregnancy was conducted by Dr. Gideon Koren of The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto. In 2014, Dr. Koren, who gathered the statistics and information from numerous other studies, stated that previous studies which showed conflicting results on Zofran and pregnancy were mainly performed on women who were more than 10 weeks pregnant.

Dr. Koren indicated that when additional studies were added that included women in their early first trimester, the results became more troubling, including a twofold increased risk for cleft palate, a 30% increased risk for heart defects, cardiac arrhythmias, and for the mothers of the infants, the risk of developing serotonin syndrome.

What Can Be Done?

Currently, many physicians are still prescribing Zofran to pregnant women, despite numerous studies that show the dangers to infants. The key to helping women is spreading the information about the drug and promoting awareness as much as possible.

For women who’ve already experienced the devastating effects of giving birth to a child with birth defects, there are legal options available to help them obtain justice and compensation for the overwhelming medical expenses that typically come with birth defect treatments.

The most optimal option, of course, is prevention. Yet, until Zofran is completely banned from being prescribed as off-label use for morning sickness, pregnant women will be offered it, as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the makers of the medication, allegedly offers “kickbacks” to physicians who prescribe it for morning sickness.

If you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or know anyone friends who are or plan to become pregnant, be certain to educate yourself as much as possible on the effects of unsafe medications and spread the word.

Top 5 Foods that Fight Cancer


As we enter into National Cancer Prevention month, it seems fitting to talk about simple ways to reduce our risk for cancer. No one likes to talk about cancer, but with more than 50% of cancers being preventable, it’s something worth discussing. You can up your odds of prevention just by incorporating certain foods into your diet. I promise it’s some of the easiest adulting you’ll even do. Check out these 5 foods that are proven to fight cancer. Read up and eat up.


Berries are loaded with vitamin C, which often gets them listed as a superfood. In this case, it also gets them on our list of cancer fighting foods. The high levels of vitamin C can inhibit the growth of some tumors. Strawberries in particular are very high in vitamin C. Blueberries, although not as packed with this cancer fighting vitamin, are full of phytonutrients. These phytonutrients help to prevent the proliferation of cancers cells. In addition, the ellagic acid found in berries and especially raspberries stops cancer cells from reproducing. Studies have found ellagic acid helped prevent skin, bladder, lung, esophagus and breast cancer. I mean, it’s easy to add more berries in your diet, so no excuses here. Sprinkle that shit on your ice cream if you have to– or the overpriced self-serve froyo in a giant recycled and compostable cup that’s served off a bio-diesal fueled food truck. Whatever works.

Grapes and Grape Juice (No, Not Wine)

Sticking with fruit, we move on to grapes, specifically red and purple grapes. The skin is the most beneficial part of this food as it’s loaded with resveratol. Lab studies found that this antioxidant to be anti-inflammatory and it prevented cancer at a cellular level. Resveratol also slowed the growth of cancer and the formation of tumors. It has even killed cancerous tumors. In order to reap the real benefits, stick to dark grapes and grape juice, wine just won’t do it. Sorry, the struggle is real y’all.


I am a garlic lover, so this was certainly a food I was happy to see on the list. Raw garlic eaten just twice a weak helped reduce the risk of lung cancer, even in smokers. Garlic actually killed cancer when it was put in test tubes and studies found fewer instances of stomach and colon cancers among garlic eaters. It’s the substances found in garlic that make it so effective at fighting cancer. The organosulfur compounds, allixin, and quercitin are help to fight or slow tumor growth. Research suggests the more garlic you consume, the more it benefits you. So, load up on the stuff and you’ll be preventing cancer and protecting yourself from Vampires all in one go. Score!


You say tomato, I say “hey that fights cancer!” It’s true too. The lycopene in tomatoes is what gets it on our list. This antioxidant blocks the havoc cancer-causing free radicals have on your body and it helps boost the immune system. Oddly, processed tomatoes, such as sauce or paste deliver a more effective dose of lycopene. But, there is more to this cancer-fighting fruit that just its lycopene. The carotenoids in tomatoes have been show to reduce instances of breast cancer and tomatoes have also lowered the risk of prostate cancer.


As a California girl, having avocado on this list makes my heart happy. I wouldn’t be surprised is my heart is just an avocado at this point with how much I love the fruit. Aside from being a delicious superfood full of healthy fat that you should eat more of, avocados are working to fight cancer with the glutathione they contain. This compound has been found to not only prevent the growth of oral cancer cells, but also kill them. In addiction, avocado extract was proven to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. This versatile green food also brought upon cell death in leukemia cells. So slice up some avocado in your salad, spread it on toast, or find some way to get this into your diet.

Eat Up

All five of these foods are easy to come by and simple to incorporate into your daily diet. In the end, eat more fruit and guacamole and you’re already on your way to preventing cancer. That’s a plan I can get on board with. If you’re in need of some recipes check out the ones below. Not only do they incorporate the foods above, they are budget friendly too. Screw people who say you can’t eat healthy AND cheap.

Organic Raspberry Chia Oats with Honey

Organic Fruit Skewers and Honey Yogurt Dip

One Pot Organic Chicken with Wild Rice and Vegetables

Organic Baked Eggplant Parmesan

Avocado and Organic Baked Eggs with Organic Jalapeño Cornbread Muffins

Organic Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwich

Organic Black Bean Pasta with Roasted Tomatillo Avocado Sauce

The Terrifying Truth About Today’s Children


I was talking with friends the other day about how the upcoming generation will never know about cassette tapes or the struggle of using a phone pre-4G. But it got me thinking about more than just the fact that I’m apparently old. It got me wondering what other things have drastically changed over the years.

After some research, I found drastic changes are happening in other areas. They’re happening to our children, specifically their health. The prevalence of disease and disabilities is on the rise and the numbers are terrifying. Have a look at what I found:

1 in 3 overweight-3

1 in 3 is overweight

More than a third of children are overweight. This in itself is concerning, but it leads to many other health conditions as well. Overweight and obese kids are more likely to suffer from:

  • type 2 diabetes

  • heart disease

  • high blood pressure

  • nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (excess fat and inflammation in the liver of people who drink little or no alcohol)

  • osteoarthritis (a health problem causing pain, swelling, and stiffness in one or more joints)

  • some types of cancer: breast, colon, endometrial (related to the uterine lining), and kidney

  • stroke

-via NIDDK

With predatory marketingunhealthy school lunches, and junk food lining supermarket shelves, it’s no wonder this statistic continues to rise.

1 in 6 has learning disabilities

It’s true, developmental disabilities are on the rise. That means the average elementary school class will have more than 3 students with a learning disability such as ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. There are a lot of theories as to what’s causing these learning disabilities, many are believed to be environmental. How high do these statistics need to go before a change is made?

1 in 9 has asthma

Now as a common as 1 in 9, asthma is one of the more prevalent conditions plaguing our children. Asthma can be caused by a number of things, including pollution, household cleaners, and tobacco smoke. Did you know that nearly all of those with asthma also suffer from allergies? Food allergies is also one of the rising ailments on this list.

1 in 10 has ADHD

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is now prevalent in 10% of children. Although ADHD can greatly affect a child’s ability to learn, this disorder stays with them into adulthood. Those with ADHD have difficulty focusing, controlling behavior, and can interfere with learning and daily life.

1 in 13 has food allergies

This item on the list is may be one of the few that you were actually aware is on the rise. Food allergies aren’t just a few kids who can’t have PB&J anymore, it’s a growing issue, and a serious one; one that can result in death. The most common allergens are:

  1. eggs

  2. fish

  3. milk

  4. nuts from trees (including hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, and Brazil nuts)

  5. peanuts (groundnuts)

  6. shellfish (including shrimps, mussels, and crab)

  7. soya

  8. wheat

via Medical News Today

With so much food causing severe reactions in our children, maybe it’s time to ask why?


1 in 20 has seizures

Seizures are when the body’s cells sends out too many electrical charges, thus overwhelming the brain. They can come in many different forms that vary from strange behavior to a complete loss of consciousness. There is no one cause to seizures, but essentially anything that effects the body can disrupt the brain.

1 in 42 males has autism/1 in 68 has autism

We touched on Autism Spectrum Disorder earlier when discussing learning disabilities, but ASD certainly secured a spot of its own on the list. It’s risen steadily over the past decade and a half. Back in 2000 Autism occurred in 1 out of every 166 children, now it’s 1 in 68. Autism occurs much more often in males, 1 in 42 to be specific. It’s time we ask what’s happening with the rise in autism?

What Are We Waiting For?

Just like with technology, change seems to happen slowly until you look back and see the glaring differences. It starts to be accepted as the new normal, but the deterioration of our children’s health is not normal. About 43% of those under the age of 18 suffer from at least one chronic condition. 54% of all children have chronic illness or are overweight. That’s more than 1 in 2. What are we waiting for, 1 in 1?


10 Interesting Wellness Tidbits I Learned About the White House


Recently I had the honor to visit the White House and see Michelle Obama and her Let’s Move team. Originally I thought it was a roundtable and had prepared some very serious questions, but when I got there I realized I was on a team of 10…but there were about 10 additional teams. It was a bit more of a press event or small summit. But it was incredible to see so many women I have known for years. Some of us have known each other for almost 10 years and I have missed them. After the campaign to label GMOs in California ended, I’ve been dedicating all my resources to educating the public and changing the supermarket one mom at a time. We have been part of a movement that has cleaned up hundreds of products in the supermarket and none of us have slowed down yet.

It’s humbling when the White House comes a calling. But regardless of who invited me, you ladies are my first priority. The health and wellness of your families take precedence over the excitement of the situation. So I wasn’t able to really relax and enjoy myself until AFTER my questions were put out there. And I did get a chance to ask them. But before I go into all that, I’d like to share with you some of the 10 Interesting Wellness Tidbits I learned at the White House.

1. The White House has their own beehive.

The is a picture of the beehive in the White House Garden.

White House Beehive

It’s humbly sized, yet serves a powerful purpose. Bees are pollinators and assist in the production of over a third of the fruits and vegetables we eat. In fact, if we lost the bee population, we would have to say goodbye to life as we know it. Humans would cease to survive. It’s more than just about the food we would lose. Bees are responsible for $15 million in crop value. A loss like that could be devastating to the economy.  In the U.S. we have lost 40% of the bee population since 2006, and it’s still declining.

In 2014, a 200 square foot pollinator garden was added to the White House to support bees, monarch butterflies and other pollinators as an effort to promote pollinator health. Props to the First Lady for making bees a priority, at least in her garden.


2. Michelle Obama was swarmed by bees not too long ago by the White House Garden.

As I was taking a closeup shot of the bees in the beehive one of the security detail told me a story about how Michelle Obama was recently attacked by the bees in the beehive. They flew close to her and she started swatting at them and they didn’t particularly like that at all. He didn’t want me to get stung and that was why he told me the story. Some of our most amazing creatures are also ones to be feared. I’m highly allergic to bees, so this in particular had me clutching my epi-pen in my purse.


3. The White House is behind one badass marketing campaign about fruits and vegetables called FNV.

If you make fruits and vegetables cool, will more kids eat them? According to the research they did, YES! So the White House and Let’s Move campaign created FNV and enlisted over 25 celebrities in their campaign to promote whole healthy foods like apples, carrots and squash. The celebrity roster includes a mix of athletes, musicians, and actors such as Jessica Alba, John Cena, Nick Jonas, Cindy Crawford, Ryan Weddell, and Kristin Bell to name a few.


via fnv.com

Michelle Obama has spoken about the abundance of commercials for unhealthy food, and the lack of advertising for healthy fruits and veg. FNV aims to get the the healthy stuff more attention. It’s no secret that marketing can boost the sales of a product, so why not use it to get more people buying fruits and vegetables? Celebs sell products with their endorsements, so by getting them to endorse healthy foods along with giving fruits and veggies commercials, it will positively impact the sales and consumption of fruits and vegetables. It’s a clever campaign, and it’s long overdue.


4. The White House hasn’t been briefed yet on how endocrine disrupting chemicals are potentially affecting the weight and IQs of children in America.

I asked this question: “I represent Mamavation, a community of over 170,000 moms who are concerned about the impacts endorcrine disrupting chemicals like BPA and pesticides are having on our children and the potential of them causing weight gain, infertility, early puberty, cancers, metabolic syndromes like Type 2 Diabetes and lowering IQs. From one mom to another, what more do you feel can be done to protect children? AND would Michelle Obama be willing to meet with Linda Birnbaum, the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences about how these chemicals are impacting obesity rates of children?”

Image taken by Jill Williams Krause

Image taken by Jill Williams Krause

The answer from her staff was that they have a meeting planned with Linda Birnbaum, the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for a debriefing, but not the First Lady. And also, they encourage the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in the Let’s Move campaign. It didn’t quite address my question and I wonder if The White House is aware that these endocrine disrupting chemicals could be ON the fresh fruits and vegetables, which is precisely why it’s so important to understand the issues and emerging science. And if you are working on obesity issues with children, it’s kind of important to know if the food you are promoting could be inadvertently causing those issues.


5. Michelle Obama thinks all the changes in the food supply and brands cleaning up their act is a GOOD thing!

The First Lady discussed the changes happening with our food supply and acknowledged that moms and bloggers, and specifically MOM BLOGGERS have helped to influence this change in the marketplace. Just in the past few years we have seen the following happen as a result of consumers (basically lots of moms at the grocery store) making healthier decisions and forgoing what they used to purchase :

  1. Chipotle says no to GMOs
  2. Panera drops long list of artificial ingredients. Over 150 by end of 2016
  3. Kraft Mac & Cheese takes out artificial food dyes
  4. Pepsico removes aspartame and replaces it with sucralose
  5. Coke & Pepsi take out fire retardants in soda with the removal of BVO
  6. Hersheys removes GMOs by end of 2015: sugar beets, emulsifiers & artificial vanilla
  7. Nestle removes artificial colors & flavors from 250 products and 10 brands
  8. McDonalds is phasing out human antibiotics in chicken within two years
  9. Tyson removes human antibiotics, etc
  10. Subway removes azodicarbonamide from their bread
  11. Duncan Donuts ditches nanoparticles from the whitening agent titanium dioxide
  12. Yoplait reduces sugar by 25% and removed HFCS and growth hormones in 2009
  13. Target beefs up organic, Non GMO, locally grown, and gluten free section
  14. Wendy’s ads organic tea and a veggie burger to their menu
  15. Taco Bell removes artificial preservatives and additives by 2017
  16. Papa John’s removes artificial ingredients by 2016
  17. Starbucks removes artificial color from pumpkin spice
  18. Kellogg’s removes artificial ingredients by 2018, branded cereals, snack bars & ego frozen foods
  19. General Mills removes artificial ingredients from cereals by 2017
  20. Kraft removes artificial preservatives from Kraft singles
  21. Kelloggs, Mars, General MIlls & Campbells all announce GMO labeling

Long story short, online activism paired with educating moms on better solutions has really moved the marketplace. This isn’t a fad. This is a trend. Food isn’t business as usual. The companies that get onboard with healthier options free from crappy ingredients will survive and the ones that don’t will just lose more marketshare until they can no longer keep their doors open. The choice is theirs, but I know which side I am on. Fight on ladies!


6. There is a single bathroom in the “China Room” next to plates from my dead presidential relative, Grover Cleveland. (Okay, not wellness related but totally funny)


I’m proudly related to one of the worst Presidents we have ever had, Grover Cleveland. He vetoed more than an other president in history and the country was in a severe economic crisis for years after his presidency. This China set from my dead relative was the closest thing to me being in The White House, well until this trip!

While I was in the China Room, I had to pee REALLY bad. You know 3 children and all.  I noticed there was a door open in the China Room and inside was a single bathroom. No one was looking so I slipped in and locked the door. Naturally I took a selfie while standing in the bathroom that heads of state used I’m sure. And I’ll always have a giggle. After I got out, the security locked the door IMMEDIATELY. I don’t think I was supposed to pee in there. *snort*


7. The White House is behind Elmo getting licensed on packages of Fruits & Vegetables in Stores

Children are inundated with with $2 BILLION dollars worth of clever advertising from companies selling unhealthy food every year, yet they only see one ad a week for health foods like fruit and vegetables. In an effort to level the playing field, The White House worked to get characters, like Elmo from Sesame Street onto fruits and vegetable. Will that actually help? Well, research showed that kids were twice as likely to choose an apple over cookie when that apple had a sticker of Elmo on it.

In a study published in JAMA Pediatrics relevant to this topic, the number of children who chose apples over cookies doubled when an Elmo sticker was placed on the apple. These findings are a fascinating highlight of an experiment designed by Cornell University researchers who offered an apple, a cookie, or both, to a few hundred 8-to-11-year-old boys and girls. Most children picked the cookie at first, but twice as many chose the apple in a second round with Elmo stickers placed visibly on the fruit. And that finding is consistent with other studies done on predatory marketing practices that are explained in the video below.



8. Michelle Obama’s Road to a Healthier Lifestyle started as a scare at the Doctor’s office

When The First Lady stood up to address us all she shared a personal story about her doctor’s concern over the diet of her family. That’s when she began to swap our unhealthy snacks for fruits and vegetable and cooking more meals from scratch. It’s where her journey and her passion for the cause began. As a mother, she couldn’t fathom not being there for her children because of poor health. Now, as First Lady, she has been able to further the cause with her Let’s Move campaign and the changes she has made in schools. In fact 97% of U.S. schools are meeting the standards Michelle Obama has worked to put in place.

Michelle went on to say that parents have the power to change the marketplace. If we demand better products, companies will make them. “We can’t afford not to give our kids nutritious food,” she said seriously before citing that one third of children are obese. And as for those that mock parents for choosing healthy foods for their families, she boldly says “our children’s health isn’t a joke.” I couldn’t agree more.

9. The White House is Smart Enough to Use Mason Jars to store and serve some of the food

Mason jars an excellent food storage option. It doesn’t leach toxic chemicals like BPA into your foods like some plastics can do. Glass mason jars can store hot or cold foods, they’re easily portable, and easy to prepare things like salad dressings right in the jar you store them in. Less mess and cleanup is always a good thing. The White House is aware of the usefulness of a mason jar and even prepared a mason jar salad.

White House Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford prepared a Tuscan Kale Salad to Go style in Mason Jars. I’m going to share the recipe with you below.

Yield 4 servings; use four 1 Qt. Mason jars with lids


For the Salad:

  • 1 bunch Tuscan kale, washed and spun dry
  • 1/4 small purple cabbage, shredded, washed and spun dry
  • 1 small carrot, peeled and shaved
  • 1 small fennel, shaved thin
  • 1 cup, candied pepitas
  • 1 cup sundried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup shaved reggiano cheese
  • 1 serrano pepper, shaved thinly

For the Dressing:

  • 2 lemons, zest and juice
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 shallot, finely minced
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 4 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • 1 can garbanzo beans, drained, and prepared for croutons
  • 1 tbsp curry spice mix


In a small bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, zest, garlic, shallots, honey, and vinegar. Incorporate the olive oil slowly and season with salt and pepper. Pour into the bottom of the mason jars equally.

For the salad, cut the clean and spun dried kale into thin strips, set on the first layer of the salad jar. Next divide the shredded equally as well for the next layer of the salad jar. Next divide the shredded cabbage equally as well for the next layer then follow with the carrots and fennel.

Top the salad jar with the pepitas, cranberries, reggiano cheese and, serrano peppers. Close the lid tightly and refrigerate until use. The garbanzo bean crouton can be packed separately to maintain its texture.

To prepare the garbanzo beans croutons, preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spread the garbanzo beans on a cookie sheet. Roast until dry and crispy, for about an hour. Toss in the spice and store in a covered container. When ready to eat the salad, shake the jar and place in a salad bowl. Top with crunchy garbanzo croutons.


10. I Submitted More Questions That Were Never Answered or Addressed

We were also given the opportunity to submit questions and were promised some type of answer from the White House. I submitted three questions total:

  1. I resubmitted my question about endocrine disrupting chemicals because the answer wasn’t really an answer,
  2. I submitted a question about how we can address real food access and make healthy food more affordable. As in making broccoli cost less than junk food, and
  3. My final question had to do with junk food marketing to children. Was this something Michelle Obama is in support of?

I’m still waiting to hear back from them on these answers. If you would like to help me in getting some type of response, send them this post and ask them for their response. You can find the Let’s Move Campaign on the following platforms:

Twitter: @LetsMove



I’m still optimistic they will get a hold of me in some way so I can report back to you here. And a big shout-out to Cafe Mom who invited me to be on their blogger team. Thanks guys!

5 Steps to Fight Inflammation


Disclosure: This post was written by Amie Valpone Author of Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body. Affiliate links are present.

My journey to fighting the fire of inflammation in my body started ten years ago when I was suffering from many debilitating unexplained symptoms. I was on a cocktail of drugs and on disability from my job and I felt lost and alone. I was suffering and I felt like no one was helping me heal- I was just being offered more drugs to put a Band-Aid approach over my symptoms. After being given 24 hours to live with C.Diff colitis, I promised myself that if I survived, I would dedicate my life to helping others heal and get to the root cause of inflammation and unwanted symptoms in their body. Throughout the last 10 years I have learned how to heal my body from a range of symptoms and diagnoses from Lyme disease to Hypothyroidism and Candida. I started my website, TheHealthyApple.com to help people suffering from everyday minor symptoms such as a headache to ailments and chronic illness; my hope is that my new book helps change lives and gives people hope that they can get to the root cause of their illness and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Something I learned, that no one educated me on and doctors did not talk to me about (and I’ve been to over 500 doctors) was the fact is that nothing changed until I started to clean up my food and my environment (food, personal care products, cleaning products and beauty products) because our skin is our biggest organ- so it’s important to look not just at what we are putting in our bodies but also what we are putting on our bodies, as well. I realized I had to put my health in my own hands and be my own doctor (not to self-diagnose) to navigate through the world from illness to wellness and vitality.

In my new cookbook, Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body, I talk about how to start cleaning up your food and your life from chemicals and toxins that we are bombarded with on a daily basis from the plastic packaging of our food to the parabens in our shampoo and the chemicals in our cleaning products. Fighting inflammation comes down to learning how to detox your body in a healthy way. Detox is not what you think. In my book I outline how to detox your body on a daily basis and how to eat clean to fight inflammation. I want to show you that eating clean feels incredible- not because you should, but because once you see life this way, you’ll never go back. There’s not a processed bagel in the world that I’d eat to give up for how incredible I feel today and I want to show you that you can feel this incredible, as well, with a few shifts in your lifestyle. If more people realized what an important role they plan in their own health, they could change the quality of their life forever.

We’re all familiar with the term inflammation. It’s our body’s way of defending itself. It’s how we repair damaged tissue when we get a cut, a burn or another injury. However, when our immune system gets out of balance from toxins such as chemicals, stress, bacteria, yeast, parasites, viruses, gut issues, food sensitivities and eating processed/conventional foods (as well as foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats), inflammation can cause numerous health issues in our body and chronic inflammation sets it. This type of inflammation can manifest as arthritis, ulcers, cancer, IBS, acne, bloating, gas, headaches, eczema and more.

Unfortunately doctors often prescribe prescription medications instead of getting to the root cause of the underlying imbalances in the body that are manifesting as unwanted symptoms. I faced this problem for numerous years before I decided to take my health into my own hands. Today I’m going to show you how to start fighting inflammation so you can start your journey to wellness. My best advice is to learn how to get your body working for you, not against you. Once you start making these small shifts in your day to day lifestyle, you’ll see your inflammation decrease and you’ll be resetting your body. For more tips and anti-inflammatory recipes, check out my new book, Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body.

Here are 5 steps you can take to start fighting inflammation today.

1. Eat Clean.

Changing the way we eat is a huge proponent to fighting inflammation. We all react to foods differently but it’s important to focus on an anti-inflammatory diet every day by eating high quality fiber (gluten-free whole grains, fruits, veggies), healthy fats (raw nuts and seeds, avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil), protein (beans and legumes, nuts and seeds), and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as turmeric, cinnamon, sea salt and fresh herbs). Eating clean means eating whole, one-ingredient foods to make your meals and snacks. What’s in an apple? An apple. What’s in an avocado? An avocado. Those are one-ingredient whole foods. Create your meals and snacks around one-ingredient foods so you know exactly what’s going into your mouth! For example, make a salad with kale, avocado, walnuts, apples, quinoa, extra-virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sea salt and pepper. That’s a meal made from one-ingredient foods! Toss the processed condiments along with the canned and boxed foods and reach for fresh, whole foods that your body can easily digest, absorb and assimilate the nutrients. Unlike chemical-laden processed foods that are void of nutrients and don’t nourish your body, whole foods nourish your body and feed each system (endocrine, etc.) so that you can stay healthy. These whole foods are full of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs to detox daily and fight inflammation. My new cookbook is filled with over 200 plant-based recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, soy, refined sugar, eggs, white flours and processed ingredients. No xantan gum, no binders, no fake ingredients- all pure, whole foods. And you’re going to love every single recipe!


2. Heal Your Gut.

Over 70% of our immune system is located in our gut so focusing on gut health is a great place to start when your immune system needs an overhaul. If your gut isn’t in good shape, you’ll find yourself dealing with unwanted symptoms such as bloating, acne, arthritis and more. Focus on adding in probiotic-rich foods like kimchi and sauerkraut as well as taking a high quality probiotic to replenish the good bacteria in your gut and keep your immune system health and happy.


3. Find Hidden Infections.

Throughout my 10 years of chronic illness I had many false negatives from Western medicine labs for parasites bacteria, yeasts and other GI issues that were never properly addressed. Once I started working with Functional/Integrative MD’s, I learned about more detailed stool tests (which are all outlined in my new book, Eating Clean), that helped me identify what was going on in my gut and how I could kill off the bad bacteria and pathogens while healing the infections that were left unaddressed for many years. My new book outlines 3 full pages on Functional/Integrative Medicine testing that helped me get to the root cause of my symptoms- everything from my heavy metal and mold toxicity to my leaky gut and Lyme disease as well as numerous deficiencies that weren’t picked up by conventional blood work.


4. Detox Your Home and Personal Care Products.

I dedicated an entire chapter to detoxing your home and personal care/beauty products in my new book, Eating Clean, because many of us don’t realize that our skin is our biggest organ so anything that we put on our skin (from our sunscreen to our chapstick to our shampoo and conditioner) as well as what we use to clean our home (cleaning products, laundry detergent, etc.) gets into our bloodstream. When I started detoxing my entire lifestyle, I started to see my thyroid and liver enzymes normalize because they weren’t bombarded by toxins from these products. You can easily decrease your body burden by removing products that are full of chemicals and parabens and use cleaner products instead. In my book, I break down each chemical to avoid as well as my favorite brands to choose for cleaner products and what to look for instead of chemicals! I also have a section dedicated to recipes to make your own homemade beauty products and homemade household cleaning products so you can feel good about what you are using in your home for your family.


5. Remove Food Sensitivies.

Throughout the past 10 years I’ve had to remove numerous foods due to inflammation such as gluten, dairy, soy, corn and eggs. Food sensitivities can be difficult to pinpoint because you may not feel a reaction to a certain food until 48 hours or later after you eat the food! This is why it’s so important to address an elimination diet to remove the inflammatory foods in your diet. I lay out a full 21 Day Elimination Diet in my new book, Eating Clean, as well as a Reintroduction period that is done very specifically so that you can tell exactly what foods are causing issues in your body. Gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn and refined sugar (along with other inflammatory foods) often wreak havoc on many of my clients’ guts and once they start to eliminate these foods, they feel lighter, have more energy, lose weight, their inflammation markers on their bloodwork decrease and they start to heal their gut lining (leaky gut). Each one of our bodies is different so one food that works for someone, might not work for you. Focus on your body and eat the foods that work for you-not what works for someone else. You’re in charge of the way you feel and it starts with the food you put into your mouth everyday.

Eating Clean by Amie Valpone

Learn more by purchasing Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body by Amie Valpone. After suffering for a decade from a range of ailments like Lyme Disease, Hypothyroidism, and Leaky Gut Syndrome, Amie Valpone, creator of TheHealthyApple.com, healed herself through clean eating and detoxing. In Eating Clean, Amie provides guidance on how to fight inflammation and reset your body, including a 21-Day Elimination Diet, instructions for food reintroduction, a 2-week meal plan, and an extensive pantry list. The book has over 200 recipes that are vegetarian and free of gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, and refined sugar to keep tummies healthy and satisfied—such as Velvety Pear and Fennel Soup, Carrot “Fettuccine” with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Pumpkin Seeds, and Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream. With this book, readers are able to get the support they need on their path toward wellness.


10 Natural Steps to Improve Fertility


Guest Post: This post was written by Dr. Taz, MD. Dr. Taz Bhatia, MD, is a board-certified physician, specializing in integrative and emergency medicine, pediatrics and prevention, with expertise in women’s health, weight-loss and nutrition.

For many women it feels like a ticking time clock, and then a roller coaster. Finally, the decision to get pregnant feels right, but your biology or chemistry does not cooperate. The journey that then follows women can be full of highs and lows, joy and frustration. I often wish I could tell women, before they decide to start trying to conceive, to think through your health, your life, your chemistry and your biology. Here are ten things you can do to naturally improve your fertility.

Sleeping woman

1. Sleep

No snoozing here- sleep is fundamental to hormone balance and fertility- a lesson I learned the hard way after years pulling fluctuating ER shifts. Yes, you do need the proverbial 7-8 hours but in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, sleep quality, not just quantity is key. So much so, that sleeping from 11 pm to 5 am was considered ideal and “catch up sleep” or altered sleep cycles were not considered sufficient.

As you contemplate fertility, make sure your life and your work allows for consistent sleep especially during the key hormone hours. If you are a shift worker, try to spread out the shifts that deviate from this core sleep routing, rather than batching them all together.

2. Lower Your Cortisol

After sleep, your stress response or cortisol balance is critical. Chronic, prolonged stress leads to a condition known as adrenal fatigue. This wears down the immune system and your hormone regulation. Lower your stress and balance your cortisol levels. Find at least 15-20 minutes through the day to practice mindful breathing, meditation or yoga. Journal to release stress or just get outside!

Gut health

3. Clean Your Gut

The role of the gut in all things health continues to garner attention, but gut health is involved in fertility as well. Hormones are processed and metabolized in the gut and the micronutrients needed for hormone balance are assimilated here. Any type of gut dysfunction can alter hormone levels since the cycle of inflammation and a disrupted microbiome begins to affect every other part of the body.

Clean your gut- daily and monthly. Make sure your diet includes at least 40 grams of plant based fiber daily and give yourself a daily 12 hour fast- maybe 7pm- 7 am. Drink plenty of water and include probiotic rich foods like kefir and kombucha to balance gut health.

4. Balance Your Body Fat

Did you know the optimum body fat for fertility is between 21% and 31%? Many of my patients are shocked when they hear these statistics. Being under or overweight can impact your fertility. Have your BMI (basal metabolic index) checked routinely, along with your body fat to know where you stand.

5. Flush Your Liver

I always call the liver the laundromat of the body but it is ground zero for hormone metabolism. A clogged liver or fatty liver blocks hormone regulation and can lead to insulin resistance or stubborn blood sugars that block ovulation. Flush your liver daily by adding 1 green juice or green smoothie per day and include liver supporting herbs like dandelion greens, cilantro and parsley.

Acupuncture and Natural Health

6. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture plays a role in balancing energy, stress hormones and reproductive hormones but takes time. Consider starting acupuncture as a part of a health maintenance strategy a few times per month. The benefits of learning about your health through the lens of a Chinese medical practitioner is always helpful.

7. The Castor Oil Solution

Painful periods or heavy periods can be signs of a buildup of your endometrial lining or ovarian cysts. Castor oil packs placed on the abdomen help menstrual pain but are also thought to improve blood flow through the reproductive system, aiding in shedding of the endometrial lining, improving fertility.

8. Maximize Your Micronutrients

Nutrient deficiencies play a role in hormone balance and hormone metabolism. Low B vitamins, low d, and low magnesium levels can be at the root of an imbalanced thyroid or altered estrogen and progesterone ratios. Improve your micronutrient status by adding in foods high in B vitamins and magnesium. Consider checking your nutrient levels yearly to follow any shifts that may be impacting your fertility.

Happy Couple

9. Watch Your Partner’s Health

You can only be as healthy as your partner, especially when it comes to fertility! Your partner’s health is important too and can determine sperm quality. Have your partner look at his or her nutritional status, gut health, hormone levels and inflammation. These markers impact not just fertility but the health of your baby as early as conception.

10. Build your Qi

Your “qi” or inherent energy was seen as a factor in fertility in eastern systems of medicine. Qi was dependent on nutrition, lifestyle, emotional health and passion. While the call of fertility and family beckons us all, make sure to build your qi, surrounding yourself with the right partners, community and work to support this next chapter.


This post is from a guest contributor.

Dr. Taz

Dr. Taz Bhatia, MD, is a board-certified physician, specializing in integrative and emergency medicine, pediatrics and prevention, with expertise in women’s health, weight-loss and nutrition. She is the author of “What Doctors Eat” and “The 21-Day Belly Fix.” Personal health challenges in her twenties combined with a broken health care system motivated Dr. Taz to pursue an alternative definition of health and healthy living. Early in her medical practice, as a young resident, Dr. Taz began searching for answers to her own health issues. Studying various systems of medicine, she found a wealth of information not yet taught in conventional medical schools. It led her to opening her now nationally recognized practice, CentreSpringMD (formerly Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine). Dr. Taz and her team work to find a patient’s core health problems, their centre, in order to spring them forth in health, pulling from multiple systems of medicine, including integrative, functional and holistic medicine.

More BPA Exposure in Womb Equals a Fatter Child Study Says


Pregnant moms are bombarded with rules about their health from beginning to end. There are rules about seafood, rules about soft cheese, rules about drinking alcohol and even getting into a Jacuzzi. But with all these things to remember, no one saw this coming. Pregnant moms are now being warned to avoid BPA in order to protect their baby from a lifetime of obesity and other permanent effects of the chemical in their body. Thankfully, Mamavation has done some research to help moms find where the BPA is hiding in their pantry.

Researchers at Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health at the Mailman School of Public Health found an association between Bisphenol A, or BPA, exposure in pregnant women and fat levels in their children by age 7. The report was published Tuesday online at Environmental Health Perspectives.

The Story on BPA

BPA was banned in baby bottles and sippy cups in 2012, after many companies had already taken out the endocrine-disrupting chemical. BPA has been linked to infertility, obesity, diabetes, early puberty, behavioral changes in children and some cancers. BPA is currently used in many products people used every day, including food cans, polycarbonate plastic containers, and thermal store receipts.

The Study

The study tested urine samples in 369 mother and child pairs from the ongoing inner city New York cohort study by CCCAH. The mothers, and then the children at ages 3 and 5 had urine tests.  Then testing including biomedical index Z-score (BMIZ) at ages 5 and 7, then fat mass index, percent body fat and waist circumferences at age 7. After they adjusted for socioeconomic and environmental factors, the researchers found that children that were exposed to higher levels of BPA had more body fat.

Alarmingly, there was a stronger association between BPA exposure and mass index and waist circumference in girls.

What Does That Mean?

It means that contact with endocrine disruptors begins before your children are born and the affects can follow them for a lifetime, possibly affecting how their fat cells are formed as they develop.

It means even more reason to worry for many pregnant mothers, as the FDA upholds its positive position on the endocrine-disrupting chemical in food containers.

What Can You Do About It?

BPA is so many places, but there are many ways to reduce your exposure to it.

Is There BPA in Your Pantry-


  • Use glass containers for drinking and heating food
  • Refuse thermal receipts at the register.
  • Pick fresh and frozen food when possible.
  • Ensure your aluminum bottle was not coasted with epoxy resin, which will leach BPA.
  • Don’t trust the BPA-free label and do your own research for ingredients. Using a BPA-free label may mean using BPS, considered a safe choice because it was considered resistant to leaching even though it was also shown to be an endocrine disruptor. However, plastics have been showing to leach the replacement BPS.

Tell us what you think about this study. Does it concern you? Do you want to see more peer review before you make a decision? Do you feel like this link to obesity is going to develop into more that we didn’t know? Share.

Children’s Health on the Front Lines- Pesticides Waging a War On The Future of America


Visit us at Mamavation.com for more updates, healthy tips and challenges.

The Americana -focused fictional version of healthy clean living farm is, in fact, a stark contrast to the amount of health issues children have had from their ongoing exposure to agricultural pesticides.

Think of pesticides as a demonic figure lurking in the corn, contaminating our children with diseases that ravage their bodies and minds for generations.

Pesticide Action Networks’ report Kids on the Frontline examines the many documented links between agricultural pesticide exposure and children’s health from the children residing directly in the agricultural areas. Kids on the Frontline builds from the PAN’s 2012 report A Generation in Jeopardy.

Certainly, pesticide use on the plants we and livestock eats has been a major worry for years, but at the front of the war are children who live among the war zone of pesticide use and agriculture, with spraying going on at the home, in the fields and public areas with dangerous pesticides such as glyphosate.



The Report

PAN’s review of government health trend data and recent academic research only confirmed what so many have been seeing and worrying about–Childhood diseases are on the rise. Childhood cancer and birth defects as well as Autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other developmental disabilities are all on the rise.

And of those? The cancers with the fastest growing rates are linked to pesticides, and cancer is the number one killer of children by disease in the United States, with over 10,000 new cases in kids under 14 in 2015 alone.

Leukemia is on the rise since 1975, especially in rural agricultural areas. Several of the studies linked rates of leukemia or brain tumors in children with exposure of a parent before the child was even conceived, indicating sperm damage.  According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, an estimated 171,550 people are expected to be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma this year, three diseases that cause almost 10% of cancer deaths in the US.

Pesticide exposure can be cumulative, adding on years of exposure, even at very low levels, that damage growing nervous systems and impact health chronically.  And the proximity of pregnant mothers to fields where pesticides are sprayed show an increased risk of developmental issues like autism spectrum disorders.

Farmers Working To Support A Family Unknowingly Hurt Their Health

680 million pounds of agricultural pesticide was sprayed on 2007 – the latest data PAN could find.

Dust in homes on and off of farms were collected in Iowa, and the dust in farm homes showed a significant increase in pesticide amounts. And the amount of ‘take home’ exposure from workers coming home to their families and bringing home contamination through clothing and vehicles increased the exposure for children.

In Minnesota, six of the eight most common pesticides used have been linked to cancer, including lymphoma.

Iowa is ranked first and Minnesota’s number one crop is corn. in 2012, 98 percent of corn was treated with herbicides. The most popular? Glyphosate aka Roundup Weed Killer.

For maps about where pesticides were used, see the USGS’s Pesticides National Synthesis Projects map collection, organized alphabetically with hundreds of chemicals available to view.



USGS Pesticide National Synthesis Project


Picture this. Strawberry pickers in California toil all day in the long hot summer heat. They come home exhausted to young children and their wives. Their children leap into their arms to welcome them home showering them with hugs kisses. And as he embraces them, he’s unknowingly exposing his children and putting his family at risk to toxic chemicals he has all over his clothing and skin.

It was a similar situation with families who were exposed to Asbestos years ago from the Railroad, Construction & other similar industries.

On average, California cancer rates are the same as the rest of the US average for children under 20 – however, in counties like Napa and other agriculture- focused areas, the average goes between 18-23 per 100,000.

Learning Disorders Rise Near Farming

Three fumigants- metam sodium, chloropicrin and dichloropropene are commonly found near schools and have no cumulative exposure testing. Also – a large amount of the children with this exposure at school are Latino.

Oranophosphates such as malathion, which has been banned in residential uses, is still widely used agriculturally, including strawberries – and low levels of the pesticide present means a 55% higher chance of a child having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Higher levels, such as those found in children of farmworkers and others, has been linked to neurological and behavioral disorders.

According to the Great Schools website – Watsonville, one of the cities responsible for half of the $2.5 billion strawberry industry in California, has a district rating of four, with many schools at 2 and 3.  Nearby Aptos has four schools in the district, all rated 9 and with considerably less pesticide use in the area.

Want to know more? Search for an area in the CalEnviroScreen results web map.

What Can You Do?

So many people want organic for their own kids – but for rural communities, the more we steer away from grain-fed livestock, choose organically-grown produce and push for pesticide restrictions in our country, we can help protect this young generation and the next.

Read the entire report or the summary at the Pesticide Action Network‘s site, where you can find more information about pesticide use and action you can take to protect yourself, your community and the nature around you.












The post Children’s Health on the Front Lines- Pesticides Waging a War On The Future of America appeared first on Mamavation.

Women Won’t Be Working Out at Gold’s Gym Anymore


Visit us at Mamavation.com for more updates, healthy tips and challenges.

Yeah, I’m totally calling you a dumbass, Gold’s Gym.

And it feels so good because…well, it’s true. Whoever is running your shit over in Egypt, where this original image was created, is embarrassing you. Actually, they may lose you a ton of money from all the pissed off pear-shaped goddesses out there flipping you the bird. You’ll also be losing a ton of respect, street cred, humanity and all sorts of other intangible things you want to run a successful business.

Bottom line: you suck.

This may possibly be THE example of why you need good rules of how to “not be an asshole online and piss off all potential customers” playbook for the marketing departments for franchises…’cause they may not all be on the same level. And, you can end up looking like a dumbass. Like Gold’s Gym.

It literally says dumbass on the image so it must be true.

Here’s the original image, which might I add is borderline eating disorder promoting. But I guess if you obsessively exercise because you are trying to look more like NOT A PEAR then Gold’s Gym is for you. Or not. Who knows.


What I will say other than the fact that they are all dumbasses over there….is if you have a pear-shaped body, YOU ARE A GODDESS. Don’t let these assholes make you feel like you are less of a person because you are not. If you look like a beanpole, YOU ARE A GODDESS. Don’t let those assholes make you feel like you are less of a person because you are not. If you have an apple shaped body, YOU ARE A GODDESS. Don’t let those assholes make you feel like you are less of a person because you are not.

Actually, whatever shaped body you have YOU ARE A GODDESS. Don’t let those assholes make you think you are less than a person because you are not.

Evidently this is NOT the first time Gold’s Gym has been in the hot seat for offending women. If you are a breastfeeding mother in Virginia or Wisconsin, you may want to stay clear of Gold’s Gyms owned by Lowell Management Group. You can’t breastfeed your baby over there without getting kicked out and then verbally abused by the owner via email.

And this is also NOT the first time we have called out a gym for disgusting weight bias messages. Anytime Fitness CEO in 2011 decided that “money is allergic to fat people” to get attention for his failure of a book. That was interesting to say the least. He got attention. Perhaps not the kind he wanted. I especially loved the part where I got attacked by his PR team for calling him on it. #freedomofspeechbeeeeyach

I met the Corporate Vice President of Marketing for Gold Gym on a plane once. This was like six years ago. I’m wondering if he’s still there. When I’m done with this post, I’ll email him to see if he’s gotten canned or not. If not, these choice little nuggets are for him.

Dumbass Mistake #1: Women Who Work Out Don’t Have Pear-Shaped Bodies

Actually, I think women who have pear-shaped bodies won’t be working out at Gold’s Gym. *snort*

(Updated 8.17.16: Gold’s Gym corporate has since fallen on the sword to apologize to all the women out there. But I’m HIGHLY recommending that they moderate their comments more on their Facebook wall. Right now it’s free reign on sexist pigs abusing women in there still.)

Dumbass Mistake #2: Apologizing WHILE You Are Offending

I think someone at Gold’s Gym may not understand what an apology actually is. I know what happened behind the scenes in dumbass land. It went like this.

Marketing dumbass: “Hey I got an idea. Let’s offend half of American women and then apologize WHILE doing it…that way we can get all that unpleasant stuff out of the way beforehand. And then we can just all move on quicker.”

Dumbass in Charge: “Hey that sounds like a great idea!”

(Updated 8.17.16: Since this post was created the Gold’s Gym Dreamland Facebook Fan page has been shut down so you can’t see everything now. But they were apologizing in the status update where they were also hosting the image above. It was like “I’m going to offend you AND apologize at the same time” kinda thing. Very weird.)

Dumbass Mistake #3: Continuing to Promote Image After Everyone Says Your Apology Sucks

I think they must not be on the uptake over there. Perhaps at that specific gym location people aren’t very abundant up north. I’ll let them go ahead and interpret that word salad to their colleagues. The ones who “get it” are saved.

(Updated 8.17.16: The original page has been taken down so you can’t see how the owner was defending his position after apologizing for it. Very weird. And again, I’m not sure they understand what an apology is in Dreamland land.)

Gold's Gym Doesn't Have Pear Shaped Women

Feel free to share, steal, and promote this image. I think dumbassery ESPECIALLY when it promotes eating disorders need to be called out for what it is….dumbassery.


Update 8.17.16

Gold Gym released a statement and we are honoring that here below. I would also like to state that in the comments below this statement online there are some very heavy sexist trolls that are given free reign to abuse and call other commenters names. If Gold’s Gym really wants to make a statement, they should back it up by moderating their page starting now. I hope that by the time you read this, it’s fixed.

“Dear Gold’s Gym Members, Followers, Franchisees and Team Members Around the World,

Words cannot express how shocked and appalled we were by the recent posts of Gold’s Gym Dreamland, a sub-franchise in Cairo, Egypt. Not only were they offensive and disgusting, they go against everything we believe in and stand for. For years we have been dedicated to helping people feel empowered by fitness, not intimidated or ashamed by it. We believe that strength comes in many forms…be it physical, mental or emotional…and that our purpose (and rallying cry) is to help people Know Their Own Strength.

Upon learning of this sub-franchisee’s insensitive posts, we immediately took action by working with Facebook to have their page removed. Also, after consultation with our master franchise in Gold’s Gym Egypt, we are in the process of expediting the termination of this sub-franchisee’s agreement. This incident only confirms that Gold’s Gym Dreamland does not uphold the values and inclusiveness that Gold’s Gym promotes throughout our global network.

With all of this said, we sincerely apologize for these posts. Even though they were created and posted without our knowledge, they were associated with our logo and there’s no excuse for that. We are currently reviewing our internal procedures for how both domestic and international franchisees create and share social media posts so that nothing like this ever happens again.

More importantly, to our members, fans, team members and franchisees around the world, we share your anger. We are mothers, sisters & daughters too and this is unacceptable. We understand that as a brand with a presence in 30 countries, we have a responsibility to spread a message of empowerment. To let people know that no matter where you live or who you are, fitness should make you feel strong in every way possible.

That’s our commitment. Always.

We hope everyone will also take just a moment to see what Gold’s Gym is really all about. You can simply visit our website or Facebook page to see our official campaign, which features incredible people of all shapes and sizes from around the world using determination, passion and inner strength to achieve incredible things.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Gold’s Gym”

Original Facebook post can be seen here.

The post Women Won’t Be Working Out at Gold’s Gym Anymore appeared first on Mamavation.

Autism Linked to Prenatal Exposure to This Dangerous Material


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This year, the CDC reported that the rate of autism prevalence is holding steady at 1 in 68 children, however, there is a lot of debate about why autism rates have been rising over the last 20 years. High quality studies being published today link the possibly of a child developing autism with environmental factors, including exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy.

In one such study recently published by the highly respected journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers found that children exposed to high levels of PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) while in the womb were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with autism, compared to those with lower levels of exposure – up to 80% more likely. This leaves parents with the question, what is a PCB and how can my family be exposed?

The Dangers of PCBs

PCBs are man-made chemicals called organochlorines, which just means that they are organic chemicals derived from carbon, hydrogen and chlorine atoms. They can be dangerous to your family’s health and are found in a variety of places. According to EPA reports, potential health dangers, besides this recently discovered link to autism, include:

  • Cancer
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Neurological effects
  • Endocrine disruption
  • Reproductive problems
  • Low birth weight
  • Preterm labor

Children and fetuses are especially susceptible to the dangers of PCBs. The good news is that PCBs were outlawed in the U.S. in 1979. So how are pregnant moms being exposed to them today? Unfortunately, these chemicals can linger in the environment. The EPA states that toxic PCB waste release can come from:

  • poorly maintained hazardous waste sites
  • leaks in aging systems that use PCBs in parts like transformers
  • industrial and municipal burning of PCB waste
  • illegal and/or improper dumping of this waste

In fact, some sites have polluted miles of area and spawned years of litigation. For example, the General Electric Corporation dumped PCBs into the Hudson River in New York through the 1970s and the state has been trying to recoup the damages done to the land ever since.

How to Keep Your Family Safe From PCBs

The Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry states that PCBs can be found “in almost all outdoor and indoor air, soil, sediments, surface water and animals,” leaving food crop, livestock and game vulnerable to this chemical. Unfortunately, PCBs do not break down quickly and can accumulate in the body, in fat and in certain organs, like the liver.

So how can you help your family to avoid PCBs? Here are some precautions you can take:

  • Because there may still be residue or leaks, everyone should avoid old appliances, electrical equipment and transformers.
  • Keep your children away from areas surrounding hazardous wastes sites, especially if they contain dirt.
  • Don’t let your children play in areas near locations that have had a transformer fire in the past.
  • If you live near a hazardous waste plant, make sure your children wash their hands thoroughly after outdoor play and don’t let contact or eat dirt.
  • Filter your water using a carbon filter if you suspect PCBs have contaminated your water.
  • The most common way to get PCBs in your system is by eating contaminated foods, mostly fish, and particularly game or fish you catch yourself. Pay attention to local and national advisories about contaminated fish or game, some of which is listed on  the EPA’s website.
  • The FDA recommends also that you eat up to 12 ounces of a variety of shellfish and fish that are lower in mercury, like shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock and catfish. Keep that in mind as you hear recommendations for fish and PCBs.
  • If you are pregnant, also be sure to follow your doctor’s guidelines on what fish is safe and how much you can safely eat. For example, shrimp is low in PCBs, but salmon is not.
  • The Mayo Clinic recommends that if you are eating fatty fish like salmon, trim off the fatty areas, remove the skin and drain off any fat by cooking on a rack rather than frying.
  • For salmon from stores and restaurants, Physicicians for Social Responsibility suggest you limit your intake amounts to:
    • Canned Pacific salmon up to twice a week
    • Fresh or frozen wild Pacific salmon up to twice a month
    • Fresh or frozen farmed Atlantic salmon up to once every 2 months.
  • Due to PCB contamination, the Environmental Defense Fund recommends that you:
    • Avoid Bluefin tuna, although men can eat ½ serving per month
    • Eat rockfish no more than 2 meals per month
    • Eat sole and rainbow trout no more than 3 meals a months (less for children). Keep sole to 2 meals for kids under 11, and the trout to 2 for kids 5 and under.
  • Fish lower down the food chain, like sardines, are safer.
  • If you believe that you or your children have been exposed to high levels of PCBs, you can have blood tests to determine if your body contains unsafe levels. Other tests can also detect levels in body fat or breast milk.

PCBs naturally degrade over time if no more of this toxic chemical enters the body. The longest it can take to eliminate from a body naturally is 10-15 years, according to a 2011 study, however, it may be less depending on which PCB and how potent it is. Low exposure may take only a few years.

Fish is an important part of a healthy diet. Make smart choices and follow the safety guidelines to ensure that your family is getting the cleanest seafood.

The post Autism Linked to Prenatal Exposure to This Dangerous Material appeared first on Mamavation.

5 Ways To Heal Your Back


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I’ve dealt with back pain since I was twelve. I remember getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and having my back go out. I was stuck bent in half and unable to move and crying out for my mother. Years later an injury at work hurt my back again. I felt useless, unable to walk or move as I usually would. I had prescription pain meds which helped, but only when I was able to take them. I couldn’t drive or work on the medication, and most of my days were spent working, and driving to and from work. My doctor suggested other ways to cope and deal with the pain. If you suffer from back pain, then you know the struggle too. You are constantly aware of your pain and searching for ways to alleviate it. In fact, half of all working Americans say they have back pain symptoms each year.

Thankfully, there are ways to deal with your back pain without invasive measures. Here are 5 Way to Heal Your Back:

Disclosure: Post sponsored by Sunbeam Products, Inc. Opinions are 100% my own. Sunbeam has retained Bookieboo LLC to create content and host a twitter party. Mamavation is very picky with the brands we work with and Sunbeam is an example of a brand we support with glee.

1. Redesign Your Workspace

Back pain starts with a cause, and for many that cause is poor posture or simply our daily lives. Sitting or slouching at a desk all day can really exacerbate back pain, and I know I have to be mindful of my posture when at my desk for hours at a time. Try making your desk or workspace more ergonomic. Pick a chair that prevents slouching. Sit up straight, don’t lean over your desk, and try to keep your computer screen at eye level to avoid looking down and putting pressure on your spine. Taking regular breaks every 20-25 minutes can also help to keep you more comfortable.

2. Low Impact Exercise

Strong muscles and a strong core will help you maintain better posture and spine alignment. Try low impact exercises that strengthen your abs. Low impact exercise in general can be beneficial for your back pain. Swimming, walking, yoga, etc will all help build strength and a healthier you. Losing weight can reduce the stress on spine and muscles, which will also help alleviate pain.



3. Heat Therapy


Perhaps one of the immediate ways to heal an injured or stiff back is with heat. It’s a natural way to soothe pain and muscle soreness. It can also relieve tension if your pain is stress related. I prefer a heating pad as opposed to creams and patches. It’s reusable, less mess, and won’t absorb into my skin like a cream.  The Sunbeam® Renue® Tension Relief Heat Wrap provides targeted relief to the upper back and shoulders. It surrounds and soothes with warmth, soft micro-plush fabric, and massage to relieve tension and reduce pain. I wrap mine over my shoulders when working at my computer to prevent tension and as a reminder to focus on my posture.


There are a number of Sunbeam® heat therapy products to suit your specific pain needs. Mamavation readers can receive a 20% off on Sunbeam® pain relief products with code HHMAMA here. See what products can help you feel less of the ouch and help you find your ahh. 

4. Rest Right

When you go to sleep at night, make sure you rest right. Avoid elevating your head on the pillows to keep your spine properly aligned. Research found that softer beds lead to less back pain, so maybe opt for a softer mattress for pain free rest.

5. Meditate and Relax

Relaxation and meditation can help you deal with pain. Studies have found it makes the pain less unpleasant, which is the goal if you can’t eliminate it entirely. In addition, meditation can improve health overall, both physically and mentally. The Mayo Clinic sites improvements in blood pressure, anxiety, and sleep, among other things.


These 5 methods will hopefully have you and your back feeling better in no time. To help you get back to better, you can enter to win a Sunbeam® heating pad. Simply follow the steps on below. You can find the official giveaway rules here



The post 5 Ways To Heal Your Back appeared first on Mamavation.

10 Tips For Improving Your Lifestyle While Living with Eczema


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Families living with eczema know it can be a big challenge, especially for babies. According to the National Eczema Association, 31.6 million Americans suffer from eczema. They state that childhood eczema in the U.S. is 10.7% overall and as high as 18.1% in individual states and about 1 out of every 3 children suffers with moderate to severe eczema. With such great numbers, moms need to understand this irritating problem and what to do when you discover it in your family. And if your child or family has a history of allergies, you should be aware of the symptoms of eczema since it is more likely to occur in your child.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the The National Eczema Association. It’s also important to note that we have some additional brands listed that we have also worked with in the past like Nordic Naturals, Molly’s Suds, Goddess Garden Organics, Primal Pit Paste & Bella Organics. We scrutinize the brands we work with so you can rest assured they are safe ones for your family.

Common Symptoms and Causes of Eczema

lady living with eczema

What is eczema? It is a rash, often marked by thick, scaly skin that can be red or brownish. It can also change the pigmentation of darker-skinned people into lighter or darker patches of skin. It’s almost always itchy – and you just know your kids will scratch. It can also look like small blisters that ooze.

Eczema is actually a skin reaction and can be caused by a whole host of conditions. The most common type is called atopic eczema, which is the kind that generally affects babies. It often affects those who have asthma or hay fever or a family history of those conditions. For babies, you will typically see it on their elbows and knees. Older adults and kids will more commonly have eczema on the back of knees and inside of elbows. For all sufferers, it can also occur on the cheeks, neck, wrists and ankles.

eczema on baby thigh

WebMD lists several other types of eczema including:

  • Dandruff, which can improve with the right shampoo.
  • Contact dermatitis is often triggered by allergies or contact with harsh chemicals.
  • Nummular dermatitis causes coin-shaped red marks and primarily older men are affected. It may be caused by exposure to very harsh chemicals, metals, or cold, dry air.
  • Neurodermatitis can affect areas near your joints or scalps, and has no known cause. It often goes away if you don’t scratch but more serious cases can get treatment.
  • Dyshidrotic dermatitis causes blisters, scaly patches and cracks on the hands and feet. The cause is unknown.

closeup look at eczema on the elbow

10 Tips For Improving Your Lifestyle While Living with Eczema

As you can see, there’s little concrete information on exactly what causes eczema. However, there are some common sense solutions you can take to help avoid making the condition worse.

  1. Avoid harsh chemicals on your skin.
    Bath, beauty and personal care items may contain chemicals that can irritate or inflame your eczema. It’s important to avoid chemicals such as: parabens, phthalates, fragrances, triclosan, petroleum ingredients and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). There are also many other possible irritants that can trigger eczema.
  2. Avoid coarse clothing and use safe, sensible laundry care.
    Detergents, softeners and whiteners can contain many of those chemicals mentioned above so use a natural laundry treatment. When treating stains, try baking soda and vinegar.
  3. Avoid chemicals in your cleaning products.
    Preservatives, phthalates, artificial dyes and fragrances and ammonia are some of the nasty chemicals you can find in cleaning products. Eliminate those products and use cleaner brands or create your own safe cleaning products with vinegar, baking soda, and lemon.
  4. Use nontoxic moisturizers.
    These products can also be full of chemicals and toxins. Steroids are commonly found in treatment creams, so you may want to avoid those as well.
  5. Clean up your diet.
    Eczema can be related to inflammation so it’s important to reduce foods that may trigger that, such as foods that contain refined sugar. Here are more inflammatory foods to avoid.
  6. Take care when washing.
    Wash hands with lukewarm water and dry completely. Be sure to remove rings and dry underneath them. Avoid water extremes – too hot or too cold – when bathing or cleaning as that can aggravate or inflame the rash.
  7. Try a bleach bath to relieve atopic eczema.
    The Mayo Clinic recommends adding a small amount of bleach to water to lesson the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, no more than 3x per week. Be sure to use household bleach (not concentrated) and no more than ½ cup per full bathtub. Soak from neck down for 10 minutes only (don’t put your head in) and pat dry. You should use a moisturizer immediately following that. You can also try bathing with baking soda, oatmeal, or gentle bath oils that don’t contain chemicals or fragrances.
  8. Use sun protection when you are outside.
    Sun exposure doesn’t end in the winter either. Use a hat that covers your face and a trustworthy brand of sunscreen. Make sure you applying sunscreen evenly and as often as your brand recommends.
  9. Look for hidden allergens.
    This includes anything from dust mites to food you didn’t know would be a trigger for your child to nickel in rings made of platinum or other metals. These can trigger or worsen the eczema. You may want to try an elimination diet or test for allergies as these can be related to eczema.
  10. Avoid scratching or irritating the affected area.
    Obviously it’s going to be hard to keep the kids from scratching! You can use a cold compress to help your child relieve itch. Also make sure his fingernails are trimmed so they cause less damage. Distraction is a useful tactic too. Give your child something else to do with his hands. I know my daughter can get fixated on something itchy until I give her a craft or coloring project.

young woman living with eczema scratching

Product Recommendations

There are lots of chemical-free brands available now that you can use when figuring out how to combat these skin irritations. Here are our recommendations.

Natural Ways to Treat Eczema

Some forms of atopic eczema clear up on their own while others may require a trip to the doctor. Either way, there are things you can do when your child is living with eczema, depending on the type. Always check with your doctor to make sure you or your child can use these treatments and whether or not they interact with any medications, supplements or other treatments you are already using.

baby living with eczema

  • Vitamins
    Because atopic eczema is linked to inflammation, vitamin C may be able to help those living with eczema. In Prescription for Nutritional Healing, author Phyllis A Balch also recommends a good vitamin B complex, as well as vitamin D and E to help eczema. Try MegaFoods or Garden of Life.
  • Fish oil
    At least one study showed results when eczema sufferers took fish oil but more research needs to be done. We already know the benefits of safe seafood, but if you prefer to use fish oil, try a high quality one like Nordic Naturals.
  • Probiotics
    Studies show mixed results on the benefits of probiotics for eczema in adults and children. However, some evidence shows that taking a probiotic while pregnant may decrease the chance of a child getting eczema between the ages of 2 and 7. We generally recommend using quality probiotics as long you are allowed. Try MegaFoods or Garden of Life.
  • Chamomile cream or salve
    Studies have found this herb to possibly be helpful in relieving and to promote healing for eczema sufferers. Be sure to avoid chamomile if you are allergic to anything in the Asteraceae family of plants.
  • Homeopathy
    These natural treatments can relieve the symptoms caused by eczema, especially calendula cream. We recommend Boiron. You can try one of their calendula products, or use their Homeopathic Medicine Finder to find the right treatment for specific symptoms. Be sure to avoid calendula if you are allergic to anything in the Asteraceae family of plants.
  • Additional treatments
    WebMD has a long list of treatments, from oils to other vitamins that are possibly effective in relieving eczema.

If the rash or symptoms get worse or do not go away, or if you experience additional symptoms, see your doctor or healthcare provider right away.

Living with eczema is unpleasant but it is a common irritation that many moms will have to deal with. Take care of the problem with a healthy diet, removing toxins from your home and trying some of these natural treatments.

The post 10 Tips For Improving Your Lifestyle While Living with Eczema appeared first on Mamavation.

Marijuana: How Does It Affect You & What Is Its Future


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A CNN report late last year helped highlight a growing problem associated with the expanding cannabis industry – pesticide use and regulation.

Pesticides in marijuana is not regulated at the federal level, which means each state has its own list of pesticides that are acceptable – and its own problems with regulating use and testing with the exploding industry.

Currently, the states that have some legalization already require testing be done at independent labs and have their own lists of acceptable pesticides.

And without the protection of organic labeling, due to the illegal status nationally, anyone taking marijuana in any of its forms have to work to find a trusted source, or, be at risk to pesticides including inidacloprid and mylobutanil, which are both considered hazardous by the World Health Organization.

And with that, there have been product recalls, quarantines and at least one class-action lawsuit regarding use of pesticides not approved at the state level for the rapidly-growing crop.




Marijuana has been called America’s number one cash crop and is a major growing industry in the united states, with the market going up 75 percent between 2013 and 2014.

Colorado had a 2.4 billion dollar impact in 2015 from legalizing it for those 21 and over recreationally, including 18,000 full-time jobs according to the Marijuana Policy Group.

Almost two-thirds of Americans supported legalizing marijuana, and a Harris poll found over 80 percent would legalize it for medical use.

Several states – California, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Arkansas, Florida, and Montana have ballot initiatives to allow recreational or medical marijuana in the state. Currently, almost two thirds of the country favor legalization of marijuana, mostly for medical use.

They will join eight states with certain medical conditions allowed for marijuana use, thirteen that allow use as long as it is extremely low in THC, nine that have some combination of the above and four that allow possession for those over 21.

Why isn’t pot regulated across the US, even with medical use more common?

Let’s talk about its legal definition under US drug policy.



Marijuana growth is not regulated by the US government. Under the Controlled Substances Act, it’s considered a Level 1 substance, which are defined as having a high risk of abuse, and as of the act’s creation, no approved medical use or accepted level of safety under medical supervision in the United States.

Marijuana’s phytocannabinoids, the naturally-occuring chemicals inside the flowers are what makes it useful for medical use. There are 113, including tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.

Two FDA-approved man-made cannabinoid medications are also listed under Schedule III for limited use under the Marinol trademark, treating nausea and side effects from cancer treatment. They are Syndos, a liquid, and Drobinol a pill.

Schedule III is defined as having as having a currently medical use and has a chance of physical or mental dependence.

The active ingredient of Marinol is man-made dronabinol, chemically known as THC.

Dropping marijuana from Level I has been reviewed several times, as lately as 2011, and has been denied since they still have no accepted medical use for it, and still has a high risk of abuse. And the Drug Enforcement Administration responded to two petitions this year denying legalization as well.

With it still being labeled Level I, it is hard for researchers to get approval for studies, which leaves a national set of regulations still impossible to allow efficient study to take place, and without legalization, doctors may not be able to offer it as an official treatment or properly educate themselves on its use.

The White House eliminating the Public Service Review component of the process has brought some relief for the research of marijuana’s medical benefits.  Since 1999, it was required for research that was not funded by the government.



Some of the ways marijuana or cannabis is currently prescribed…

  •  Improving appetite and reducing nausea
  • Relief from chronic pain
  • Lessening anxiety
  • Help sleeping
  • And with specific medical conditions including Tourette Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis and more.

But there’s more benefits than than just immediate physical relief. It’s been found that where marijuana is legal for medical use, there are

less people relying on prescription drugs.  With almost half of Americans taking at least one prescription drug in the last 30 days, legalization would make a dramatic impact on medical care in the US.



Even with more states choosing to legalize it for medical and/or recreational reasons, not everyone is on board yet with handing out a free pass just yet.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, even though it supports downgrading it to a Schedule 2 to facilitate research more easily, it doesn’t support children receiving it for treatment just yet. According to their 2015 policy statement, they feel more research needs to be done in order to facilitate even and correct dosing and formulation of cannabis products. However, the AAP recognizes some children cannot wait for lengthy research to be done,  some exceptions should be made for compassionate use in children with debilitating or life-limiting diseases.”

The AAP offers advice for parents of teenagers who are using recreationally, where there is a higher chance of rick-taking behaviors, loss of cognitive function, and mental health problems. 20 percent of 12th graders have smoked marijuana in the last month, and 6 percent of eighth graders.

The March of Dimes gives a laundry list for expectant mothers to avoid marijuana, including premature or low weight babies, withdrawal symptoms in newborns, or brain development issues.

The World Health Organization also recognizes that benefits could result from better research, however, they show concern in smoking marijuana with long-term health effects such as dependence, birth defects, cognitive function, and schizophrenia in some after prolonged use.

Marijuana is not advised for anyone with a history of schizophrenia, since it has been shown as a causation, though it could be that people with the disorder are more inclined to abuse marijuana. There are also several arguments back and forth over the use of marijuana for pain with debilitating diseases, since the risk of permanent cognitive and psychosomatic affects as well as a higher chance of depression in users.



Which brings us back to the issue with pesticides.

Last year a group of Colorado residents filed a class-action lawsuit with LiveWell, a Colorado a medical and recreational marijuana dispensary chain, over the fact that their product had been sprayed with Eagle 20, a myclobutanil pesticide that is not on the state’s approved list. When smoked, the plaintiffs could have breathed in hydrogen cyanide. Eagle 20 is currently accepted for use on edibles such as spinach, but not for use on tobacco nationally for that reason.

However, even though the plaintiffs, including one with a medical card to help with a brain tumor, complained that they would not have used the product knowing it contained the pesticide, the judge threw out the case saying there was no after effects proven from the consumption.

For pediatric patients, those who are prescribed cannabis may be using tinctures and oils have several risks involved. The extraction process itself can either use butane, or CO2 which uses an adjustable but longer segmented process. Butane is quick and easy, but can extract vital elements like chlorophyll if left on too long.

Then, even if it is a pure extraction, the product then may be put into a tainted product, like a vape pen, from China or elsewhere.  There are not current final testing for marijuana and cannabis products, so even if the product was grown with organic methods, users still could build up doses of pesticides in their bodies.



Since legalization is done at the state level, there are different levels of regulation. Colorado doesn’t lest for heavy metals and fungus, but Washington, which tests for microbial agents, rejected about 13 percent of marijuana products last year for containing contaminants like E. coli, salmonella and yeast mold.

Without government standards and support on the regulation process, states will still struggle self-regulating. And users will struggle to find quality, safe, products.


Mamavation recommends consulting with your doctor or medical provider before starting holistic treatment on any condition.

















The post Marijuana: How Does It Affect You & What Is Its Future appeared first on Mamavation.

Health and Beauty Benefits of The Dead Sea


Visit us at Mamavation.com for more updates, healthy tips and challenges.

Israel is a country of extremes and beauty. The second you touch down on the ground and walk off the plane, you can feel that you are someplace special. It’s instantaneous and amazing–almost like a jolt of energy and intensity. One of my favorite places in Israel is also an extreme in geography and location. The lowest place in the world is at The Dead Sea. And because of it’s unique qualities, it’s sought after by millions of people seeking better health. And for good reason.

Disclaimer: This post is a collaboration with Vibe Israel. Vibe Israel funded a trip where Leah Segedie, Founder of Mamavation, attended and toured the country for eight days. She visited organic farms, restaurants, farmers markets, religious sites, etc. and visited with local celebrities, small business owners, and everyday people. In exchange, she agreed to create content on Mamavation.com about wellness topics interesting to this community.


courtesy Kaplan and Vibe Israel


The Dead Sea has been used since ancient times for its health benefits, which apply to even the herbs that grow in the area.  It holds over 48 minerals in the salts, which have mixed with protein and algae fossils to create the best beneficial mud bath on earth. I had an opportunity to cover my entire body in this mud, which is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. The picture above is of me bathing in “sweet water” and rubbing mud everywhere.

The rare combination of high barometric pressure, higher oxygen levels and even the pollen-free atmosphere are benefits for the people who visit the Dead Sea for therapeutic reasons. The amount of bromide in the air has even seen as a benefit for visitors and found in higher levels in outdoor workers in the area. When I was down there, I couldn’t stop smiling. It felt impossible to do. That’s because there is literally happy gas in the air.


The Dead Sea Is Salty In The Best Way

Situated between Jordan, Israel and the West Bank, the Dead Sea is named because of its high salinity- fish and birds cannot thrive in it. The water in the Dead Sea is vastly higher in salt than sea water, which is comprised on average of 4 percent salts. The Dead Sea, however, is about 30 percent salt, comparable to Utah’s Great Salt Lake. It’s so salty, in fact, that barely anything can flourish inside. It prevents macroscopic aquatic organism such as fish and plants to live, but doesn’t prevent minuscule quantities of bacteria and microbial fungi from being present. So the appearance is a sea with nothing living in it that feels very thick when you bath in it. It’s also difficult to walk in even in lower levels, so wear your sandals to avoid getting cut on the jagged salt rocks, don’t shave your legs for 48 hours beforehand (*ouch*) and go slowly.

The composition of minerals in the dead seal are also vastly different than ocean water. The salt in most oceans are about 85% sodium chloride, which is what is used in saline solutions for medical reasons including IV drips, eye drops and wound cleaning. The salt in the Dead Sea is only 12-18% sodium chloride, so instead contains larger concentrations of things like magnesium and potassium.

And I can attest to the fact that The Dead Sea has the ability to heal wounds. I was actually cut really bad on the beach when I was there. The salt rocks can get very sharp and they are everywhere. When I got off the boat and stuck my foot onto the shore and my foot sunk down into the mud. My foot ended up sinking down until the mud came up to my knees and there was a jagged salt rock inside the mud that cut my foot so deep it would have needed stitches. But I took a gamble because I didn’t want to shorten my time at The Dead Sea, so I put my foot directly into the water and let the salt water and minerals seal the wound. Now it did hurt a great deal, but afterward the wound was sealed and no stitches were ever needed. In fact, by the time we were ready to float, I was fine and wasn’t feeling any pain.


courtesy Kaplan and Vibe Israel

All The Minerals

The mineral content of the Dead Sea is vibrant with many different benefits. Researchers have for years been fascinated studying the benefits of these minerals.

Results of the mineral composition of the Dead Sea are as follows:

These minerals are also hydroscopic- meaning they attract water instead of that dried-out feeling you get after the beach – so they pull water and nutrients to the epidermis from the body. So when you get out of the Dead Sea, you feel moisturized and soft. The combination of water pulled to the epidermis and the minerals in the water means better absorption and benefits – including reducing acne, eczema, lowering stress levels, and detoxification.

Not only are the minerals very high, but the air around it has a very low concentration of pollens and other allergens that would drive someone with hay fever crazy. The reduced ultraviolent component of the solar radiation also means you don’t need sunscreen while you are there. I’m very fair and forgot to bring my favorite sunscreen with me. I never burned while I was there and I was in the sun the entire time. The area also has a higher atmospheric pressure, which helps with blood and oxygen circulation in the body.

Amazing salt rock from The Dead Sea. Id love to go back and float on the waters again right now. @vibeisrael

A photo posted by Leah Segedie (@bookieboo) on

Benefits of Some of the Minerals In the Dead Sea

Bor – Helps to correct skin function and hormone levels.

Bromide – Sedative and relaxing properties, helps calm central nervous system.

Calcium – Strengthens bones and teeth, regulates skin cells and regeneration.

Iodine – Helps with acne and hair loss, thyroid and metabolism.

Magnesium – Improves circulation, muscle aches, joint pain and headache relief, it also helps with wound healing. Magnesium also is a soothing agent for allergic skin reactions.

Manganese – Helps create a healthy skin layer and is involved in the process of repair after oxidation and radiation.

Phosphorus – Essential for creation of new cells and metabolism, it is also needed for cells self-repair ability after radiation or oxidation.

Potassium – It supports water retention and cell nourishment, and also normalizes the pH of the upper skin layer.

Sodium – Detoxifies, relieves stiffness and muscle cramps.

Strontium – Prevents itching, irritation and skin infections.

Sulfer – Helps with collagen manufacturing, digestive disorders, and detoxification. It also helps cure dandruff, psoriasis, eczema and more.

Zinc – Antioxidant that helps prevent creation of free radicals after sun exposure, helps with acne and other skin issues and is essential in the creation of elastin and collagen.


How To Get The Best Experience at The Dead Sea


Kaplan and Vibe Israel

The best way to view the Dead Sea is by boat. A trip by boat will allow you to see the formations, rising up in statue-like forms, ‘pearls’ and crystals. You will be able to view the beautiful landscape as well as partake in the famous Dead Sea Mud, which has absorbed the sea salt’s minerals over thousands of years. The mud will penetrate the skin and improve blood circulation and make skin soft and smooth.

Watch this video for a chance to see Leah covered in mud! (Courtesy of TheDeadSea.com)

The density of the salt content in the Dead Sea makes it possible to float without any effort in as little as a foot of water. In fact, it’s impossible NOT to float. There is NO sinking at the Dead Sea. Floating is easy even if you can’t swim. And this type of floating can be therapeutic. Floating is currently being research as a treatment for stress disorders, after many with PTSD or issues with stress have found the therapy calming.


Kaplan and Vibe Israel

Heliotherapy, the use of the sun to cure skin conditions, is used at The Dead Sea in combination with the therapeutic effects of the sea itself with thalassotherapy for psoriasis, acne, boosting the immune system and more. It’s believed the ozone layer, created from the bromide in the air, creates a unique sun environment that is a natural cure for skin ailments in conjunction with immersion in water for theraputic benefits.

It should be noted that heliotherapy should be done in carefully measure amounts to avoid sun damage from the therapy attempt. But your body is getting less UV rays at the Dead Sea so this is less of an issue.


All of these benefits have created a medical tourism industry at the Dead Sea, with many spas, excursions and tourism choices to explore the Dead Sea’s benefits.

Spas have created artificial pools on their beach fronts, piping in water from the more plentiful north end and keeping the sea healthy and vitalized. There are also many spa products that include Dead Sea mud and salts that can be purchased online.

But, to get the full experience, from the clear cry air, mineral-rich water and mud and the amazing local foods variable, visit deadsea.com to learn more about tourism offering and how to experience the Dead Sea for yourself.

This is part one of a three part series of the health and wellness benefits in Israel. To be continued…




The post Health and Beauty Benefits of The Dead Sea appeared first on Mamavation.

Report Card: Is Your Retail Store Keeping Your Family Safe From Harmful Toxins?


Visit us at Mamavation.com for more updates, healthy tips and challenges.

As you know, in the U.S. toxic chemicals do not have the kind of testing and oversight that we’d like to see in this country especially from the Food & Drug Administration. That means we can find unsafe chemicals in our beauty products, bath products and even the baby products we buy from trusted stores. However, even when chemicals are in question, retailers can take it upon themselves to do the right thing. The Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families’ Mind the Store campaign has just released the first report card evaluating retailers who have taken action to eliminate harmful toxins in their products – and those who have not. They researched 11 retail companies, and assigned each a letter grade based on different actions they could take to ensure that they are carrying nontoxic products. These actions cover important steps like policies, oversight, transparency and implementation.

The Most Toxic Retailers 


Unfortunately, no retailers scored an “A” and several fell well below a good score. Three retailers scored a grade of “F”:

  • Albertsons / Safeway
  • COSTCO Wholesale
  • Amazon

Let’s take a deeper look at the failing policies or actions that contributed to these failing grades.


SALINAS, CA/USA - APRIL 8, 2104: Safeway Grocery Store exterior. Safeway is an American supermarket chainand the second largest supermarket chain in North America.

As one of the largest food and drug retailers in the country, Albertsons (which includes Safeway) could be leading the charge to safety. Instead, they have the 3rd lowest grade on Safer Chemical’s list. Let’s see why.

  • Albertson’s has a corporate manager who has some responsibility for product safety related to chemical hazards in products.
  • They have no written safer chemicals policy.
  • They’ve taken no discernible action on disclosure of ingredients that goes beyond OSHA Safety Data requirements / compliance.
  • The company has reported some progress in reducing the use of BPA in canned foods and stated they are “working with our Own Brand product suppliers to identify acceptable alternatives to packaging containing BPA. It is our desire as a company to use BPA- free packaging for as many products as possible.” They are transitioning packaging and products as new options become commercially available, including eliminating BPA-containing register paper. However, the company has not disclosed a timeframe or plan for completely eliminating and safely substituting BPA in canned foods.
  • There is no discernible approach or public commitment to safer alternatives. A recent report documented regrettable substitutes in BPA-free cans such as vinyl and styrene based resins, demonstrating that Albertsons must develop a plan to evaluate alternatives when eliminating or reducing chemicals of high concern to avoid regrettable substitutes such as these.
  • They’ve made no public disclosure of policy, a restricted substances list, or approach to ingredient disclosure.
  • There have made no discernible progress on chemical footprint.
  • Albertsons (Safeway) sells some private label cleaning products that are Safer Choice certified.
  • Albertsons responded in writing to a survey on BPA in food packaging from the campaign in 2015, but has been unresponsive to follow-up communications and reasonable requests to meet.
  • They don’t have either a safer chemicals policy or a program to promote safer products in stores and/or on website in place.
  • There is no known participation in the collaborative process to promote safer chemicals.


Indianapolis - Circa September 2016: Costco Wholesale Location. Costco Wholesale is a Multi-Billion Dollar Global Retailer VI

COSTCO is loved by many green consumers for offering a wide variety of organic foods in bulk, but it received one of the worst grades on this list for having no policies regarding harmful toxins in their products.


Are your bath and body products full of harmful toxins?

  • Costco has a corporate manager who has some responsibility for product safety related to chemical hazards in products.
  • This retailer has no written safer chemicals policy.
  • They’ve taken no discernible action on disclosure of ingredients that goes beyond OSHA Safety Data requirements / compliance.
  • There has been no progress documented in reducing or eliminating chemicals of high concern within the last three years.
  • There are no public criteria available on whether they evaluate safer alternatives or avoid regrettable substitutes.
  • They have no public disclosure of policy, restricted substances list, or approach to ingredient disclosure.
  • There have made no discernible progress on chemical footprint.
  • Costco sells some private label cleaning products that are Safer Choice certified.
  • A dialogue with Mind the Store campaign is ongoing regarding safer chemicals though limited to periodic conversation.
  • No safer chemicals policy in place.
  • They don’t have either a safer chemicals policy or a program to promote safer products in stores and/or on website in place.
  • There is no known participation in the collaborative process to promote safer chemicals.


SANTA CLARA,CA/USA - FEBRUARY 1, 2014: Amazon building in Santa Clara, California. Amazon is an American international electronic commerce company. It is the world's largest online retailer.

Popular for its Amazon Prime option, this big retailer focuses more on offering everything than on offering safer options. They are on track to become one of the largest retailers of electronics and apparel in the U.S. but with the lowest grade of all, Amazon has a long way to go to removing harmful toxins from their shelves.

  • Amazon has a sustainability team that has some responsibility for product safety related to chemical hazards, given the introduction of the Amazon Elements line of products. The introduction of this team garnered them only 4 out of a possible 15 points from Safer Chemicals.
  • Amazon has no written safer chemicals policy.
  • They’ve taken no discernible action on disclosure of ingredients that goes beyond OSHA Safety Data requirements / compliance.
  • Amazon Elements Baby Wipes do not contain phthalates, parabens, the formaldehyde donor bronopol, methylisothiazolinone (MIT) or dyes. The labels disclose ingredients and important information about them and also have a code that customers can can through a smartphone to track its specific ingredients, “best by” dates and other key data. However, these actions only earned Amazon a handful of points when Safer Chemicals evaluated their overall commitment to reducing concerning chemical, transparency and public disclosure.
  • There are no public criteria available on whether they evaluate safer alternatives or avoid regrettable substitutes.
  • There have made no discernible progress on chemical footprint.
  • Amazon has not made discernible progress on credible third party safer chemicals standards.
  • They have no safer chemicals policy in place.
  • They don’t have either a safer chemicals policy or a program to promote safer products in stores and/or on website in place.
  • There is no known participation in the collaborative process to promote safer chemicals.

What’s troubling is that these companies appear not to be moving forward in these areas in any significant way. Where they have gone forward, they appear to be stalled and unwilling to take any major steps towards creating policies and timeframes to get safer chemicals in place.

Which Retailers Are Doing The Right Thing

Rocking the top of the Safer Chemicals list with a grade of “B” are companies that might surprise you: Target and Walmart. What are these companies specifically doing?


SANTA CLARITA,, CA/USA - NOVEMBER 22, 2014 Exterior view of a Target retail store. Target Corporation is an American retailing company and second-largest discount retailer in the United States.

According to Safer Chemicals, “Target has developed the most robust criteria for evaluating suppliers’ disclosure practices.” They have even created a way to evaluate fragrance ingredients, commonly a highly regarded “trade secret” in the industry.

While Target is not banning all these products, they are evaluating suppliers on with a point scoring system. They will be “rewarding” high point earners with incentives like product placement and featured items. 

The Harmful Toxins Target Is Rejecting

Target developed its own “Sustainable Product Index” in 2013, which was expanded twice, once in 2015 and again in 2016. This index includes the following types of products:

  • personal care
  • baby care
  • cleaning products
  • cosmetics

With over 2000 chemicals on its “flagged” list, we can’t list every chemical. However, here are some key harmful toxins that Target wants to flag and encourage its suppliers to remove:

  • The nearly “600 substances that Health Canada’s roster of prohibited cosmetic ingredients,” reports Bloomberg.
  • Chemicals that are currently banned from cosmetics in the European Union (but not in the U.S.).
  • It’s worthwhile to note that Target added triclosan to this list before the FDA banned this ingredient from antibacterial soap. Hopefully, Target’s index will push companies to ban this ingredient from other items that contain it, like certain toothpaste products.

While Target did not get an “A” and has a little room for improvement, their comprehensive list of questionable products is impressive. Let’s hope they work harder with their suppliers to get more safe products on the shelves…and help their brands to make their ingredients safer.


SALINAS, CA/USA - APRIL 8, 2104: Walmart store exterior. Walmart is an American multinational corporation that runs large discount stores and is the world's largest public corporation.

store-interiorSome might be surprised to discover that Wal-Mart Stores, which include Walmart and Sam’s Club, received the highest score of ANY retailer evaluated – good news for those on a tight budget and in areas where Walmart is the only nearby store. In 2013, they developed their own “Sustainable Chemistry Policy,” followed in 2014 by their “Sustainable Chemistry Implementation Guide.” In 2016, they reported “significant progress in implementing its policy.”

How are they reaching those goals? With strong policies that state, “All suppliers are expected to reduce, restrict and eliminate use of priority chemicals using informed substitution principles.” Additionally, in 2016 they provided their suppliers with their “Sustainable Packaging Playbook” to help them improve the sustainability of their packaging.

The Harmful Toxins Walmart Is Rejecting

Walmart’s list contains 16 “high priority” chemicals and over 2,000 priority “chemicals of concern,” which include the following product types:

  • cleaning products
  • cosmetics
  • personal care products
  • infant products
  • pet supplies

According to Consumerist,
some of the harmful toxins they are encouraging their suppliers to remove include:

  • Parabens from cosmetics
  • Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) from laundry detergent and other items
  • Formaldehyde
  • Phthalates
  • Toluene which can be found in nail polish as well as other products

In fact, in the summer of 2016, The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) put together a number of pieces on Walmart’s initiative, including “Is Walmart a Leader on Safer Chemicals?” Their conclusion? Walmart’s policies in this area hit on every one of EDF’s standards. While their implementation of these standards has not been perfect, they are well on their way.


So if you shop at COSTCO, Albertson’s or Amazon, you may want to consider changing over to stores that are moving forward to remove harmful toxins from their shelves and bring safer chemicals to their customers. With extremely accessible stores like Target and Walmart  leading the way, the choice is simple.

The post Report Card: Is Your Retail Store Keeping Your Family Safe From Harmful Toxins? appeared first on Mamavation.

7 Ways Maca Root Increases Sexual Desire


Visit us at Mamavation.com for more updates, healthy tips and challenges.

Maca Root is going to be your friend from now on. It’s originally from Peru, found in the Andes Mountains.  Maca Root is also also known as Peruvian ginseng, and was used by the Inca warriors in large amounts. They were fabled to be very strong and have great stamina in battle. Maca Root is also a superfood, and has quickly gained in popularity in recent years. In addition to helping you with your sexual desire, it’s also something that can help you relieve symptoms of hormonal changes from menopause AND increases your chances of getting pregnant. Oh, and let’s not forget the bodybuilder community that loves it as well because of the strength and recovery it provides.

Here at Mamavation we’re also calling it one of the sexiest superfoods, perfect for Valentine’s Day and beyond. There are so many reasons why Maca Root should be your best friend, so if you are looking to increase you libido OR virility, keep reading.

Studies Show That Maca Root Can Increase Libido

In a 2-week study to see if it affected endurance and desire in cyclists, Maca Root showed a definite change within two weeks. With as many as 20 percents of American marriages having partners that state they are in a low-or-no sex marriage, this is good news.  Whether you’ve done the horizontal tango in a while or not, because of a hectic life or a new baby, Maca Root can give you a boost in the bedroom.

 Happy_couple Maca root

Maca Can Help Libido In Those Taking Antidepressants

Twelve percent of Americans are regularly taking an anti-depressant. Unfortunately, a lack of libido is one of the main side effects of these prescription drugs. This can wreak havoc on your marriage, and totally suck…or not suck, depending on the pun. But if you are in need of more dopamine, a hormone released after sex, get your hands on some Maca Root.  In a double blind study, dramatic improvements were shown in patients who had (selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor) SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction after taking 3 grams of maca root a day. That’s great in the bedroom for anyone who is one anti-depressants.

beach_couple maca root

Maca Root Does Not Affect Hormones

That’s the magic of Maca Root. It doesn’t affect estrogen or testosterone levels. It also does not effect prolactin levels (which influence breast milk production). So Maca Root does not cause you to gain weight, grow more hair in weird places, change your menstrual cycle, give you mood swings or cause trouble sleeping. All these things are possible with other medications or herbs that affect your hormones. Good for you and your man too, especially if you are taking a medication that is already working with your hormones.


Night_couple maca root

Maca Root Can Alleviate Anxiety, Depression and Improves Libido In Postmenopausal Women

Peri-and-postmenopausal women can have a drop in their libido, among other things. This is something that grandma never told you about. With peri-menopause, beginning for women anywhere in their thirties through to their sixties, ladies may want a non-hormonal boost to help with their mental well-being and libido. Consider Maca Root a non-hormonal boost of youth!


rain_couple maca root

Studies Show Maca Root Can Alleviate Erectile Dysfunction

It helps him get it up as well! Studies show maca helps with mid erectile dysfunction in men, something which is very embarrassing to men and can lead to them seeking out prescription medication to alleviate the problem. Maca has also helped with enlarged prostates, which is great news as well.

Sidebar: BPA is still prevalent in food packaging and can affect the sex drive of your man or cause erectile dysfunction. Please check the resin number on your plastic containers to ensure safety. BPA would be one thing to avoid if you want your man to be more virile.

pregnant_couple maca root

Maca Root Can Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

All sorts of environmental factors can decrease your chances of getting pregnant, like exposure to pesticides, heavy metals and even stress, which can lessen the amount of healthy sperm a man can produce. Maca Root has shown definite effects on fertility. Four months of ingesting 1500-3000 mg of maca showed a definite increase in sperm count along with sperm mobility and volume.  A study in animals also showed increased egg production and improved quality of the embryo in female mice. Let’s get it on!


jogging_couple maca root

Maca Improves General Well-Being and Alleviates Adrenal Fatigue

Stress and other factors can bring cortisol levels up and cause fatigue along with digestion issues and a weakened immune system. When you feel worn out all the time, you’re not interested in getting tangled in the sheets. Maca Root is high in vitamins and nutrients like Magnesium, Iron, Vitamins C, Vitamin E, amino acids and fatty acids. Maca provides nutrition and lowers stress levels to help combat adrenal fatigue.

New To Maca Root?

It tastes a bit like dirt and grass, so you don’t want to swallow this stuff as a powder. Start with capsules.  Maca is readily available as a raw powder, but it is more digestible when it is gelatinized. Take it daily alongside food.

First time taking maca root? We recommend Femmenessence for women. They have organic products for menstrual and fertility health, peri-menopause and menopause. Femmenessence is not a sponsor of Mamavation but we did receive free product from them to evaluate and we really liked it and were happy to include it as a good source of Maca Root. Please let us know if you have another brand to recommend in the comment section and we can check it out too.

Images via here, here, here, here, here, here.

Have you tried maca root before? Share your stories. We’d love to hear your experiences.









The post 7 Ways Maca Root Increases Sexual Desire appeared first on Mamavation.

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